A Battle in the War with Woke “Gender Affirming Care” by Gregory Quinlan

Elon Musk: “I’ve Lost My Son” speaks about his son Xavier, who now identifies as a female.

In the past few days, Dr. Jordan Peterson, psychologist and conservative commentator from Canada, interviewed Elon Musk on his Daily Wire podcast from Elon Musk’s Gigafactory in Storey County, Nevada. The interview lasted more than two hours, covering multiple topics. The part of the interview regarding the woke trans agenda lasted less than 10 minutes and was very alarming. You can see the pain in his eyes when Elon Musk was talking about the psychological and surgical malpractice done to his son Xavier.  

You can watch the entire interview on the [Daily Wire]. The section which is referenced in this article starts at 2:00:56/2:15:46.

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, speaking of his estranged son, who now lives in the fantasy ideology of transgenderism, was “killed” by the “woke mind virus” after he was tricked into agreeing to gender-affirming care procedures which included the surgical mutilation of his son. Musk’s 20-year-old son legally changed his name to Vivian Jenna Wilson after going through gender reassignment surgery procedures during the pandemic. Musk, like so many parents of children who have been indoctrinated into the religion of transgenderism, was told that their son would commit suicide if he did not go through the procedure. The quote so often used is: “Would you rather have a live daughter or a dead son?”

In the conversation, both Peterson and Musk referred to the whole transgender reassignment surgery procedure as “child mutilation and sterilization.” Peterson referred to his colleagues in the psychological field as a pack of contemptible cowards. Musk went on to say, “I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys,” “I was tricked into doing this,” Musk said again. “I lost my son, essentially. They call it ‘deadnaming’ for a reason. The reason they call it ‘deadnaming’ is because your son is dead.” “This was really before I had any understanding of what was going on, and we had COVID going on, so there was a lot of confusion, and I was told he might commit suicide.”

Musk, who owns “X” (formerly Twitter) and SpaceX, acknowledged the process is done to children “who are far below the age of consent.” Musk went on to say that the experience set him on a mission. “I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that,” Musk said. “And we’re making some progress.”

The New Jersey Department of Education reported in June 2023 a 4000% increase in non-binary students in New Jersey government schools since 2019. State enrollment figures show that 41 of 675 self-identified ‘non-binary’ students are in elementary school. These numbers are expected to increase exponentially since the policy of the New Jersey Department of Education is to normalize gender fluidity and unsubstantiated unscientific gender identities.

I came to New Jersey in January 2008. After arriving, I started the ministry for those who struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction and families that are affected by their loved ones’ choices. I lived a decade of my life as an out-and-open gay activist. As a minister, I give biblical guidance and perspective on the issues of LGBTQIA – XYZ plus plus plus, also known as the alphabet soup.

In the last decade, there has been an increase in family members struggling with children identifying as the opposite sex and going through the drastic and irreversible procedure of sex reassignment surgery. Their experience is much like that of Elon Musk. For these parents, it’s like watching the death of their child. It’s difficult to describe here the pain and grieving transgender theology brings to a family.

Many of these parents have experienced the bullying, guilting, and manipulation of education professionals, counselors, and psychologists regarding their child’s gender identity confusion. Many parents were actually being threatened with having their child removed from the home if they did not consent to this dangerous, unscientific therapy. All the parents I have dealt with have resisted and refused and still have their children in their homes. When their children reach the age of 18, what they do to themselves becomes the child’s responsibility.

The Center for Garden State Families has always been in the fight to kill the woke mind virus. We are making progress as we refuse to back down when it comes to the safety of our children and the integrity of the natural family!

Fact Sheet: International Trends in Care for Children with Gender Dysphoria September 2023 from [Biological Integrity]

Sweden: In February 2022, Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW) released updated guidelines for the care of gender dysphoric children, citing increased incidence of detransitioners and young adults with transition-related regret.1 NBHW noted:

  • The risk of hormonal treatments outweigh the benefit in the vast majority of cases.

  • Psychological and psychiatric support will become the first line of treatment, especially in cases of autism spectrum disorder. As of May 2021, Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital in Stockholm ended prescribing of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

  • Hormonal interventions are prescribed to a minority of patients suffering from prepubertal onset of GD, after extensive psychological evaluation, only within the setting of a clinical trial approved by the Ethical Review Agency/Swedish Institutional Review Board.


Finland: In June 2020, Finland’s Council for Choices for Healthcare (COHERE) issued new guidelines stating that psychotherapy should be the first line of treatment for gender dysphoric youth, noting that a comprehensive review of the evidence showed medical evidence for pediatric transition is inconclusive and medical gender reassignment was not sufficient to improve mental health functioning.

  • Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones will be reserved almost exclusively for minors with early-childhood onset of GD only, not those with co-morbid mental health conditions, especially not for adolescents who are exploring their personality and identity.

  • Surgical treatments are not part of the treatment methods for GD; surgery will not be offered to those under 18 years of age. The guidelines warn against offering irreversible treatments to persons under 25 years of age because of incomplete neurocognitive development.

  • Eligibility for hormonal intervention will be offered only in centralized GD research settings.

France In March 2022, The National Academy of Medicine in France noted the driving mechanisms creating the phenomena of rapid onset gender dysphoria, blaming excessive engagement with social media, greater social acceptability, and influence within social circles.

  • Children desiring transition should receive extended psychological support in a multidisciplinary setting, given the risk of overdiagnosis and increasing incidence of detransitioners.

  • Families should receive robust education and informed consent regarding the side effects of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and the irreversibility of treatments, especially surgery.

  • The report highlighted impacts on bone growth and weakening, risk of sterility, emotional and intellectual consequences as well as the irreversibility of surgeries.

  • The Academy urged parents to be vigilant regarding the addictive role of social media which harms the psychological development of children and contributes to the sense of gender incongruence.

United Kingdom The Cass report, reviewing the lack of evidence for social transitions, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones, was published in October 2022. The Tavistock Gender Identity Service Clinic closed in late 2022. The National Health Service guidelines include:

  • Developmentally-appropriate comprehensive psychotherapy by a multidisciplinary team, not simply ‘gender dysphoria specialists,” to assess the patient for autism, psychiatric conditions (anxiety/depression/self-harm/drug use), endocrine and metabolic disorders.

  • Recognition that social transition is not a neutral act and is a form of therapy. NHS strongly advises against social transition of children, only after families and children accept informed consent.

  • The NHS will allow puberty blockers only in formal research settings, because of the unknown long-term effects of these medications, and cautions against cross-sex hormones.

  • Families who seek puberty blockers and hormones outside the NHS protocols will be strongly cautioned against accessing such treatment.

  • Surgical transition is not allowed for minors.

Australia and New Zealand The RANZCP (Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists) is the first Psychiatric group to recognize the lack of evidence-based research regarding treatment for gender dysphoria.

  • In August 2021 released its first position statement addressing the mental health needs of people with GD, noting “polarised views and mixed evidence regarding treatment options for people presenting with gender identity concerns and a paucity of evidence” regarding treatment.

  • Until high quality research based evidence is available regarding endocrine and surgical interventions, exploratory psychotherapy should be the first-line treatment for youth suffering from gender confusion, to explore the full spectrum of mental illness, family history and context in which gender dysphoria has arisen to formulate personalized individual counseling.

Denmark In July 2023, the Journal of the Danish Medical Association published a discussion regarding their reticence to proceed with medical transition of gender dysphoric minors, citing increased numbers of gender dysphoric youth with comorbid psychiatric disease, influence of social environments on children, uncertainty regarding side effects of treatments, and growing incidence of detransitioners. While official guidelines have not been created, Denmark offered medical transition treatment to only 6% of patients in 2022 as opposed to 65% of patients in 2018.

Norway In March 2023, the Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board (NHIB/UKOM) declared that evidence for transgender interventions is deficient, and the long-term effects are little known, especially in the teenage population which may be suffering transient gender distress. Youth gender transition will become the exception, no longer an automatic right when children claim to have gender dysphoria.

International Pushback In July 2023, 21 clinicians and researchers from 9 countries questioned Dr. Hammes of The Endocrine Society regarding gender-transition guidelines and lack of scientific evidence to support the guidelines. Read the letter in the Wall Street Journal: Youth Gender Transition Is Pushed Without Evidence.









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