A call for the FBI and the U.S. Justice Department to investigate the dangerous threats that were made...

The Center for Garden State Families, with a coalition of religious, family, and legal advocacy organizations, calls for the FBI and the U.S. Justice Department to investigate the dangerous threats that were made against the Covington Catholic Christian School students. Last week, the school in Covington, Kentucky was closed by officials and local law enforcement due to security concerns.

The statements and direct threats that were made against this Christian school and its students are alarming and extremely dangerous. The FBI, in the recent past, has brought charges against and prosecuted individuals who have hurled similar threats against Congressional members. One such incident occurred in 2010 when a threat was reported to have been made against then-Ohio Congressman John Boccieri. The case was brought to federal court, and the individual in question was found guilty and sentenced to prison.

The hysteria that followed the students from the encounter with protesters at the Lincoln Memorial at the conclusion of the March for Life put them at the center of a generated hate campaign, fueled by false news reports and social media. It has been documented that known individuals have called for violence against the students and their Christian school. This, in our opinion, is simply an outrage, and a watershed moment in which reason, sensibility, and the law must come into play.

The Justice Department stands for justice for all, and everyone equal under the law. Does the well-being and safety of a Congressman outweigh the safety and security of school children? The individuals who made these vicious and dangerous threats against the Covington Catholic School children must be held accountable for their threats against these minors. The Center for Garden State Families has joined a coalition of other like-minded organizations to make an official appeal to the DOJ and the FBI to investigate and prosecute those who threatened the Students of Covington Catholic Christian School.


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