Dangerous Anti-child legislation may be passed this Monday, June 27th in Trenton. Time to Act!

Dangerous Anti-child legislation may be passed this Monday, June 27th in Trenton. Time to Act!S2481 "Transparency in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Curriculum Act"; requires public schools to solicit parental input on health and physical education curriculum; sets standards for curriculum delivery in all subject areas.On May 9th, 2022, Sen. Vin Gopal introduced a bill and on the same day held hearings on the draft legislation in the Senate Education Committee which he chairs. The public had not seen the bill in any form. The legislation was still in draft form, still unavailable for those who came to the committee to testify about the bill which they hadn’t seen and had not read. However, proposed amendments to the bill, which no one had seen, were on the table for the public to view.The Center for Garden State Families testified against the bill asking how can we testify on a bill that we have not seen and have not read because it is not available and yet the Chairman is seeking to pass it out of committee today (May 9th) without the public having sufficient notice or time to review this piece of legislation. This is the habit of the Democrat-controlled New Jersey legislature. The so-called transparency bill is being passed without any transparency! Rev. Gregory Quinlan, founder of The Center for Garden State Families demanded that the disrespect to New Jersey voters and its citizens stop! As Quinlan was speaking, Chairman Gopal started to gavel him down. Undeterred, Rev. Quinlan continued with his testimony by reading section 3. a. of the bill.

3. a. A board of education or the board of trustees of a charter school or renaissance school project shall ensure that curriculum and instruction are designed and delivered in such a way that all students are able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills specified by the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.

So, fifth-graders must be able to demonstrate the knowledge of the skill of masturbation?Rev. QuinlanQuinlan pointed out that the alleged “transparency bill” actually codified the questionable, extremely sexually exploitative, and age-inappropriate New Jersey State Health and Comprehensive Sex Education Standards into law. The chairman's response was “we have to pass this bill quickly so that there is time for parents to look at the standards and curriculum.” He never addressed the fact that the bill actually codifies the objectionable sex ed standards.

The Republican Senators on the committee questioned the chairman and the many who testified against the bill about the content and implications of the legislation.

Multiple recent news accounts have chronicled Sen. Gopal’s panic over the sex-ed standards. Gopal actually approached Gov. Phil Murphy about the need to address the public outcry regarding the sexually exploitative age-inappropriate sex ed standards. The Transparency Bill apparently is the response. So, parents get to look at how dangerous and inappropriate the sex-ed standards are, even though this bill wants to codify into law those very standards.

Here is what is objectionable and this is only a sample:

Despite the multiple objections, the Democrat-controlled committee under the direction of the chairman passed the unseen bill. Senator Gopal quickly went on to other measures on the agenda and ended the questioning of S2481.

Multiple recent news accounts have chronicled Sen. Gopal’s panic over the sex-ed standards. Gopal actually approached Gov. Phil Murphy about the need to address the public outcry regarding the sexually exploitative age-inappropriate sex ed standards. The Transparency Bill apparently is the response. So, parents get to look at how dangerous and inappropriate the sex-ed standards are, even though this bill wants to codify into law those very standards.

Here is what is objectionable and this is only a sample:

  • Gender identity issues to first and second graders.
  • Masturbation, and multiple options for pregnancy, including abortion and gestational surrogacy taught to fifth-graders.
  • Oral, vaginal, and anal sex taught to eighth-graders, which the governor’s wife, Tammy Murphy, openly and publicly lobbied The New Jersey State Board of Education to insert into the new sex-education standards.

Did Sen. Gopal intend to fully legalize the standards into law in his hastily un-transparent “Transparency bill?”

Gopal got it wrong. This is an effort to keep his seat which is up the next election in 2023. He narrowly won reelection in 2021 while his two Democrat seatmates lost to two Republican women.

The only solution for the sex education standards is to abolish them. Not doing so is to ignore the very loud outcry of a very large crowd numbering in the thousands of New Jersey parents demanding that the sex education standards be stopped immediately!

The Center for Garden State Families is working overtime to advocate with all legislators the need to stop the sexual exploitation and woke indoctrination of our children.

New Jersey parents, grandparents, guardians and concerned citizens are Awake not Woke!

act now


School has started and the Woke Agenda is Assaulting Your Children


The Enabling Act of 1933