Dangerous Extreme Serena Rice Confirmation Vote Monday, April 15, 2024

Action step: Call State Senate President Nicholas Scutari (732) 827-7480 Fax: (732) 215-4785 email SenScutari@njleg.org 


Tell Senator Scutari to remove extremist Serena Rice from consideration permanently! More action steps below.

Serena Rice, Pro-Transgender Activist, Murphy Nominated for NJ State Board of Education.


Serena Rice has posted an enormous amount on social media about extreme woke viewpoints and dangerous positions on transgenderism for minors! SHE HAS DELETED ALL her pro-LGBTQ posts since her State Senate Judiciary Committee advise and consent hearing. Every Democrat voted to send her nomination to the full State Senate for a confirmation vote to take a seat on the NJ State Board of Education. Every Republican voted against or abstained. That vote will take place on April 15.

Serena Rice proudly and publicly publicizes her extreme activism in trying to impose dangerous transgender ideology onto all families and students. She openly talks about her "trans child" i.e. She promotes this ideology as a Lutheran pastor from the pulpit. 

There are no replicated scientific studies supporting any genetic link to a transgender identity. This mental illness, according to those who have lived as transgender, survived that lifestyle, and now living as their biological chromosomal sex, state, transgenderism, is a result of deep emotional wounding early in a child's development.

There is no justification for the government of New Jersey, particularly New Jersey's government schools, to promote and endorse this dangerous life-altering and often irreversible confusion of transgenderism!

She has repeatedly made anti-parent social media postings that are directly insulting and offensive to the majority of parents in New Jersey.

Serena Rices's Facebook picture before she scrubbed her posts.


Here are the examples before she scrubbed her social media posts:

• She admits to struggling with mental health disorders herself (anxiety and depression) and that both of her children also struggle with mental health conditions. May 26, 2022, Facebook

• She was "deeply bothered" by local moms and dads who run for school board under the slogan "respecting parents." In her view, she said, they are "reactionary candidates who want to make schools unsafe for queer kids under the misguided claim of protecting parental rights." Oct 21, 2023, Facebook

• She claims parents who share their concerns and objections to their local school board regarding sexually explicit lessons are "making schools less safe for trans students" because of their "bigoted backlash to the NJ state curriculum standards." Nov 7, 2023, Facebook

• She shared and celebrated a post that claims mass shootings are not caused by mental health problems, but by "white males." Furthermore, "This is not a mental health problem. This is a white male patriarchy problem." Mass shootings are "more about racism, sexism, privilege, and entitlement than anything else." May 26, 2022, Facebook

• She stated since some athletes have "physical advantages" over other athletes, protecting girls from physically competing against biological males is "absurd" and it's "not a problem.... we should focus on REAL problems." May 6, 2021, Facebook

• She shared and endorsed a post that said "...I celebrate drag queens... and I am furious with those who don't." Furthermore, she personally said about those who don't support drag queen shows for young children, "I genuinely do not understand what people are afraid of from a particular subculture just existing in their spaces." March 8, 2023, Facebook

• She believes that rejecting transgender ideology is a sin. "Transphobia is a sin. Let us call out and denounce the sin of transphobia in our communities and institutions..." Jan 15, 2023, Facebook

This is not an exhaustive list. Many more posts are indicative of a divisive hostility toward families and students who do not share her unscientific beliefs regarding sex and gender.

Currently, up on her Facebook page,


Serena Rice proudly publicizes her passionate activism in trying to impose transgender ideology onto all families and students. She openly talks about her "trans son" i.e. her daughter, who is pretending to be a boy. She promotes this ideology as a Lutheran pastor from the pulpit. It is common knowledge in her community at the school where her daughter, who identifies as a boy, attends that Rice's child is frequently on suicide watch.

There are no replicated scientific studies supporting any genetic link to a transgender identity. This is a mental illness. According to those who have lived as a transgender, survived that lifestyle, and now living according to their biological chromosomal sex, state transgenderism is a result of deep emotional wounding early in a child's development. There is no justification for the government of New Jersey or New Jersey's government schools to promote and endorse this dangerous life-altering and often irreversible confusion of transgenderism!

Serena Rice has NO EXPERIENCE in education. She has never been a teacher or served on a school board.

She is a Far Left Activist nominated by Governor Murphy to serve on the New Jersey State Board of Education.

This means she will be 1 of 13 people responsible for developing statewide guidelines, regulations, and standards for local school boards. 

Serena Rice is not qualified to sit on the New Jersey State Board of Education.

Gov. Murphy is a lame-duck governor. Urge your State Senator to stand up for the children of New Jersey and vote NO on Serena Rice!


Advocates for child gender transition are “misguided ideologues”.


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