Dangerous Freedom to Read Act passes Assembly on to Senate.

Vote Board for A3446 Freedom to Read Act

The fraudulently named Freedom to Read Act which the Center for Garden State Families now calls the “Freedom to Groom and Sexually Exploit Act” A3446, also known as the “Grindr bill”, referring to the homosexual hookup app, passed out of committee on June 6th. 

With barely 24 hours’ notice, Speaker Craig Coughlin scheduled A 3446 for a vote on Friday, June 28 along with 130 other pieces of legislation. The bill passed by 53 yes votes, 20 no votes, and one abstention.

Four of the yes votes were from Republicans. Several legislators were present to vote but chose not to. Asm. Reginald Atkins (LD 20), a minister from Roselle, Asm. Gary Schaer (LD 36) from Passaic, and Asm. Avi Schnall (LD 30) of Lakewood are all Democrats and all refused to vote on this heinous anti-child bill.

One Republican Asm. Erik Peterson of Clinton would have been a NO vote, but he was at the funeral of his mother.

Four Republicans voted to sexually exploit children by voting for A3446. They are Asw. Claire Swift (LD 2) of Egg Harbor Township, Asm. Donald Guardian (LD 2) of Atlantic City, Asw. Michelle Matsikoudis (LD 21) of New Providence, and Asw. Nancy Munoz (LD 21) of Summit. 

The Freedom to Read Act A3446 now moves to the State Senate Education Committee. 

Atheist anti-Christian State Sen. Andrew Zwicker (LD 16) is the original sponsor of this bill. We need to work overtime to stop this vile piece of legislation that violates state and federal law by giving an exemption to librarians to push pornography and pandering obscenity to a minor. We recently published an article about the Grindr app where instructions are given to children and how to upload and connect on this app. Grindr is a gay male hookup app. The instructions are in a book found in almost every government school library in New Jersey titled ‘This Book Is Gay’. This Book Is Gay is triple X-rated. Yet it is available in school libraries and on the shelf in your taxpayer-funded public libraries. North Hunterdon – Voorhees librarian Martha Hickson testified in committee when asked “Is there pornography in libraries? Her answer was “No.” 

Time to take action! Click on the take action button and share with your friends this action alert. 

Remember what this bill really does!  Here is the message to your state Senators.

A3446/ S2421 protects the dissemination of instructions on how to access controversial sex apps like Grindr. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) have documented that users of such sex apps were nearly twice as likely to test positive for sexually transmitted diseases than were non-users. National Public Radio (NPR) has warned against children’s access to such sex apps, as have law enforcement agencies across the country, noting the increased risks of child pornography, sexual assault, rape, and even murder.

The sponsors of A3446/ S2421 have attempted to hide the dangers inherent in this legislation by fraudulently naming it the “Freedom to Read Act”. 

A3446/ S2421 allows librarians and staff in public schools and public libraries to provide children with material that gives instruction on how to access controversial sex apps. Parents have testified that the bill provides children with access to what is defined as pornographic material under current law. 

A3446/ S2421 gives sweeping powers to the Commissioner of Education and parties with an ideological agenda — such as the New Jersey Association of School Libraries and the New Jersey School Board Association — to develop a model policy regarding media content in libraries. This includes material giving children instructions on how to access sex apps like Grindr.

Regardless of its allowance for local school boards to participate in the vetting of materials and libraries, the process outlined and A3446/ S2421 gives the Commissioner of Education final say and the ability to amend the model policy at any time. If librarians are not breaking the law, why do they need an exemption from state obscenity laws? 

A3446/ S2421 makes the state government a partner in the promotion and distribution of sex apps to children. The same state government that has issued repeated warnings to parents about the dangers sex apps pose to their children. What will the state’s legal position be after children are harmed because they were provided access to these sex apps through the classroom or school library? 

Federal law is stronger than New Jersey’s obscenity laws. This will force responsible parents, educators, and community leaders to seek federal charges with the United States Attorney or file a lawsuit in Federal Court. New Jersey residents have spoken loudly to you. 

Please consider the health and safety of children before voting on A3446/ S2421. If children are harmed because they were given access to dangerous sex apps in the classroom or school library, those who support this legislation will bear some of that guilt. Please vote NO on A3446/ S2421!


Dangerous NJ School Library Book Promotes Gay Male Hookup AppDangerous NJ School Library Book NPR Morning Edition: Grindr “poses Exploitation risk to minors”.


Time Sensitive this Thursday, June 6, 10 AM Room 16 State Assembly Education Committee.