December 7, 1941

The result of that attack was 2,335 American soldiers were killed, 1,143 American soldiers were wounded, 68 citizens of Pearl Harbor were killed and 35 citizens were wounded.

The United States was stunned. The totalitarian government of Germany, with their friend and ally Mussolini in Italy, were waging war in Europe. The Empire of Japan, who had never lost a war up to that time, was wreaking havoc in China, the Korean Peninsula, the Philippines and throughout much of the Pacific Ocean. By the end of the war in 1945, 291,557 American soldiers were killed in action and 113,842 were killed in noncombat incidents. Totaling 405,339 Americans killed in World War II. My mother and father each lost their oldest brothers in World War II. My uncle Willie Quinlan was killed on Normandy Beach during the D Day assault. He left a wife and two young boys. My mother’s oldest brother Carlo Hall, 17, lied about his age so he could join the Army, was hanging electrical wire in Italy just weeks after the Allied forces forced Germany out. However, while hanging that wire a sniper shot and killed him. During the 241 years of history in the United States of America; much blood has been shed to protect our liberties and freedoms. I never knew my uncles, but I salute them and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in a war which began December 7, 1941. Because of their sacrifice, the United States of America remains a shining city on a hill, the country where millions long to become citizens and look to us as an example of what freedom means. New Jersey from the very inception of this nation has been a theater where so much has been given to keep alive the torch of freedom. The Center for Garden State Families doesn’t take the sacrifice made by so many for granted. 

Gregory QuinlanReverend

  • The Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act would restrict the access pornography to minors. Human traffickers are using the Internet and pornography to entice minor children into sex slavery. This is happening in New Jersey.

  • Blue Lives Matter resolution to recognize the sacrifice of law enforcement and to stop the hate of so many against those who lay down their lives to protect us.

  • The Heartbeat Bill We defend Life. Life begins at conception but is recognized with a heartbeat.

  • The Pain Capable Act. Unborn human beings feel pain at 20 weeks. They feel that pain more intensely than those of us who are living outside the womb. This Bill would stop abortions at 20 weeks. The Pain Capable Act has been introduced at both the state and federal levels.

We defend religious liberty here in New Jersey. Don’t be deceived; the Judeo-Christian faith is under attack in New Jersey. We were there and saw the despicable attack by two New Jersey Democrat senators on a minister whose crime was testifying before committee while holding his Bible. Read about that by clicking here.


Porn And The Cycle Of Slavery


Parental Rights: Should You Care If They Are Lost?