Deprogramming American Children

Watch here: Hillary Calls For A “Formal Deprogramming Of The Cult Members”

 The Clinton/Biden/Marxist Agenda Is Well Underway In Your School

This article was reprinted in its entirety with the consent of the author.

By Anita Hoge

The Biden administration is ushering in the process of identifying children with mental health disorders through Medicaid in our schools, which can be reimbursed by the federal government. Your children are a target for deprogramming, as Hillary is boasting about in the CNN seven-minute interview above. Data is the new currency and vendors researchers and universities get "education" data for free. Of course more dollars stream to schools by identifying as many children as possible who have been identified for "deprogramming."

Editors note: Deprogramming has become a broad term for conditioning and propaganda for a worldview that is anti-Western civilization and anti-American values. Erasing the moral standards and the constitutional Judeo-Christian ethics which are the foundation of the United States of America.

Outside contractors are looking for children as profit-making walking money trees in this information-data-trafficking economy. 

The reification of children in America's classrooms is a somber, explosive issue for parents today. Reification is determined by Marxist philosophy, (Verdinglichung, which means "making into a thing") is the "conversion of the subject to an object, as when the worker becomes a commodity." Today your children are referred to as human capital or, in plain terms, a commodity. 

Our kids are near dollar signs for the SEL, (Social and Emotional Learning) movement that cannot truly defend what they are doing morally. That's the point. Ethics will be turned into the "I'm okay, you're okay" universal UN agenda. We are reificating kids to be unconscious drones in the Marxist school mental health factory.

The process of deprogramming children will sanitize the future of moral America. (Source: The Happy Slave:) Vulnerable children are captured in surveillance capitalism from the free data collected and used as a means to identify the probability of their future behavior and a denominator for changing that behavior. Understand what deprogramming is. It is a two-step process. First demolish free will  by the constant punishment and conflict regiment that forces the child to struggle. Then replace their belief system with group consensus. Your children will not survive being an individualist. They are pure human capital to be prodded, poked, and punished into subservience. 


Children do not enter school with a blank slate. Your family’s imprint has been established. These psychological interventions wash that slate clean to be directed otherwise in the ideological subversion of the WOKE agenda. This is why fidelity is important, “delivering an intervention exactly the way it was designed…and implemented during research studies that have validated its effectiveness.” Teachers are key to the implementation of deprogramming and MUST follow the process completely to accomplish the goals. This is how our schools will accomplish that goal to force the struggle to cleanse our children’s inner souls and attach the leftist ideology. It’s pure artificial stress. (Source: Intensive Intervention:)

Once you discover that social and emotional learning, SEL, and positive behavior intervention and supports, PBIS, (other names for example, MTSS, Multi-Tiered System of Supports) are not positive and are a constant behavioral Skinnerian reward and punishment of check-ins, points, and awards that force our youth into suppression, depression, or worse, what happens next? Which controversial Critical Race Theory program will be taught that is anathema to American values? When your school applies for a partial hospitalization provider number and medical license to bill Medicaid to identify as many kids as possible with a mental health code for the federal government, what will you do?? Are normal childhood behaviors being labeled with DSM codes, Diagnostic Statistical Manual For Mental Disorders which must be used for billing Medicaid by overzealous teachers? Are teachers posing as therapists with just a few days of in-service training? How much data on your child will a teacher collect on their teacher dashboard that goes directly into the state longitudinal data system that feeds into the fed? Have you blindly accepted that children will be safe with that debit card hanging around their neck with their digital ID is OK? Think again. Skinner defined a “happy slave” as: “A system of slavery so well designed that it does not breed revolt is the real threat.”

The History of Hillary Wanting To Deprogram Your Kids

In 1994 I was asked to testify at the Department of Interior’s NII, National Information  Infrastructure Health and Education Data Security Hearing about CLIN, Community Learning Information Network. I presented a paper entitled “The Medicalization of Schools” along with Pennsylvania Representative Sam Rohrer, and Kent Masterson Brown, Esq., who filed the complaint to stop HillaryCare.

My initial research report explained how Medicaid would become the financial vehicle mandating and remediating mental health/outcome-based education (OBE) when HillaryCare was being promoted to a second step if her overhaul of healthcare would be voted down. Start with the children. I explained how schools would be required to obtain a provider or partial hospitalization license to bill for Medicaid through Mental Health Wrap-Around Services and EPSDT, Early Periodic Screening, and Diagnostic Testing at school. The identification and re-definition of disabilities of all children as “at risk” would be targeted through Title I, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, Special Education). The following statement by Ira Magaziner at the HillaryCare hearings, in Washington, D.C. substantiates the intent, “Medicaid would merge into the main healthcare system.”  (Sources: (Hoge testimony: The Blueprint of Medicaid in Schools “Womb to Tomb, The New Managed Economy”-) 

What we are experiencing today in our classrooms is Hillary’s backdoor dream come true for her vision of “It Takes a Village To Raise a Child.”  ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, is her baby reincarnated to integrate ages 0-21 into the national healthcare system known currently as ObamaCare. Social and emotional learning, screening, and interventions will be reimbursed by Medicaid when your school applies for a partial hospitalization license to bill Medicaid for mental health disorders. Deprogramming has begun and parents need to be jarred into consciousness.

In 1995 Pennsylvania parents and students were victims of Hillary’s pilot program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. HillaryCare and her agenda would start the second phase of national healthcare reform starting with children that was intended to evolve into the entire citizenry. Pennsylvania received a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation where Hillary was a board member, in which former Democratic Governor Robert Casey created a Children’s Cabinet to move schools into “community schools” called school-based health/mental health clinics. Waivers were implemented and federally funded programs were manipulated to access children in the classroom to enjoin this revolution unbeknown to the Pennsylvania legislature or Pennsylvania parents.

The issue exploded when the Gateway School District was targeted as an experimental program overseen by the University of Pittsburgh and the Western Psychiatric Hospital. The experimental program was called PSWIM, Pittsburgh Schoolwide Intervention Model. The agenda was focused on Title I “schoolwide” where a  “poor” school district recategorized ALL CHILDREN who were deemed “at risk” and available for intervention services. But what was unknown to parents, their “at risk” children were being observed and screened for deprogramming.

Hillary’s dream has become our current reality of deprogramming our citizenry with the passage of ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, passed late in 2015. This legislation mandated the entire agenda pushed through Congress by Republican leadership including former Senator Paul Ryan(R), Senator Lamar Alexander(R), and Representative John Kline(R) quickly signed by President Obama. Our children have been thrown into a feeding frenzy of data-mining and psycho-behavioral therapy. Now more federal money will be thrown into the mix to report your kids’ psychometric dossier to the feds and schools will be reimbursed from Medicaid to do it.

What we are experiencing today in our classrooms is Hillary’s backdoor dream come true for her vision of “It Takes a Village To Raise a Child.”  ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, is her baby reincarnated to integrate ages 0-21 into the national healthcare system known currently as ObamaCare. Social and emotional learning, screening, and interventions will be reimbursed by Medicaid when your school applies for a partial hospitalization license to bill Medicaid for mental health disorders. Deprogramming has begun and parents need to be jarred into consciousness.

In 1995 Pennsylvania parents and students were victims of Hillary’s pilot program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. HillaryCare and her agenda would start the second phase of national healthcare reform starting with children that was intended to evolve into the entire citizenry. Pennsylvania received a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation where Hillary was a board member, in which former Democratic Governor Robert Casey created a Children’s Cabinet to move schools into “community schools” called school-based health/mental health clinics. Waivers were implemented and federally funded programs were manipulated to access children in the classroom to enjoin this revolution unbeknown to the Pennsylvania legislature or Pennsylvania parents.

The issue exploded when the Gateway School District was targeted as an experimental program overseen by the University of Pittsburgh and the Western Psychiatric Hospital. The experimental program was called PSWIM, Pittsburgh Schoolwide Intervention Model. The agenda was focused on Title I “schoolwide” where a  “poor” school district recategorized ALL CHILDREN who were deemed “at risk” and available for intervention services. But what was unknown to parents, their “at risk” children were being observed and screened for deprogramming.

Hillary’s dream has become our current reality of deprogramming our citizenry with the passage of ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, passed late in 2015. This legislation mandated the entire agenda pushed through Congress by Republican leadership including former Senator Paul Ryan(R), Senator Lamar Alexander(R), and Representative John Kline(R) quickly signed by President Obama. Our children have been thrown into a feeding frenzy of data mining and psycho-behavioral therapy. Now more federal money will be thrown into the mix to report your kids’ psychometric dossier to the feds and schools will be reimbursed from Medicaid to do it.

The PSWIM Experiment-The Whole Story Of How To Brainwash Your Kids

An Original Psychological/Experimental Program On Pittsburgh Children – A Predecessor To PBIS, Positive Behavior Intervention, and Supports.

Pennsylvania Representative Sam Rohrer was determined to expose this agenda and was named Chairman of the House Investigative Committee called House Resolution 37. My following testimony and overview of PSWIM is about legislation brought forward after the HR 37 investigation in 1997 chaired by Representative Sam Rohrer (PA-R).[1]

“Federal Register, Vol. 49, No.174; 20 U.S.C. 1232(h)(b) defined under Part 98 Student Rights in Research Experimental Programs and Testing:

“Psychiatric and psychological treatment means an activity involving the planning, systematic use of methods or techniques that are not directly related to academic instruction and that is designed to affect behavioral, emotional, or attitudinal characteristics of an individual or group.”

Dear Parents, please read this model program. The Pittsburgh School-Wide Intervention Model, PSWIM is what you’re fighting in your school today. This testimony is a deep dive into the PSWIM experiment with documentation attached

Realize That Schools Are Now Unregulated Healthcare Providers.  What Is The Importance of PSWIM To Todays Classrooms Of America?

The University of Oregon project defined PBIS as “the application of behavior analysis to achieve socially important behavior change” Developed initially as an alternative to punishments (so-called “aversive interventions”) for severe cases of emotionally/behaviorally disturbed kids who engaged in extreme forms of self-injury and aggression, the model is being extended for use with children in entire schools. The goal of PBIS is to apply “research-validated practices” to create school environments that “improve lifestyle results” including personal, health, social, family, work and recreation, by shaping each child’s behavior. (Source: Inquiring Minds Want To Know: (Emp. mine.)

PSWIM was a prototype for PBIS, POSITIVE BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION AND SUPPORTS. “Assuming data could be gathered accurately on every student, should the information permanently remain on record? Who should be able to access it? And where do parents fit into the picture? For now, the federal research continues without answering those questions, and the fashion of treating bad behavior as an illness — not a discipline problem — is sweeping the nation courtesy of the federal government.” The big question is, “Who owns the data?”

Deprogramming has begun. Schoolwide PBIS is being promoted in every school district in the United States. As for the future, these classrooms will begin to bill Medicaid for reimbursement for social and emotional learning and PBIS mental health screening and interventions aligned by the Centers For Medicare and Medicaid, CMM, and the Biden/Harris administration originally orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. (Medicaid documentation and Biden/Harris EO:)

Parents and legislators alike must realize that the public school system will become the most UNREGULATED healthcare business in the entire country. There is a huge difference between the delineation of roles between who are certified social workers/counselors/life coaches/teachers being in-service PBIS trained, and those who are board-licensed professional mental health providers. The school is purposefully obscuring the process and does not provide written permission from parents. In fact, the Biden/Harris administration have written regulations to bypass parents. Is this overreach at school to practice medicine without a license vs. medical providers who are licensed with oversight from licensing boards where parents must sign for treatment?  “Certified” mental health providers in schools are not subject to the same professional standards of care regulated by the board of licensing, nor are they subject to discipline by a professional board. (Source: A Legal Process Substack:)[2]

What could possibly go wrong? The failure of clearly delineated roles can be attributed to guidance relying primarily on the advocacy positions of the American School Counselors Association. ASCA which is not a professional licensing board, in which they are a volunteer association with no enforcement or disciplinary power over members.

“There’s a reason why “school” counselors have “school” in the title – they are, quite literally, confined to doing whatever they do to kids at school. They aren’t allowed to practice independently – which requires a “license” from a state agency with statutory authority to regulate a profession. In Arizona, that agency is the Board of Behavioral Health Examiners (BBHE). Other states have similar sounding licensing boards – each with the same duty: the regulation of mental health services to protect the public from unqualified practitioners and provide minimal standards of professional conduct that are codified into law – any violation of which will subject them to discipline such as fines, censure, suspension, or revocation of their license. The difference is meaningful with the increasing “professional creep” of unlicensed workers into areas of mental health practice that in any other context other than schools, would require licensing from a board-licensed mental health provider and must obtain prior, informed consent from parents of a minor before treatment. But a certified school counselor can just stop a kid in the hall and say, “Let’s talk during your lunch period?” (Source: A Legal Process Substack:)

Will those 15 minutes of talk get paid by Medicaid?

The Biden/Harris administration issues new policy goals for schools to become health/mental health clinics through an equity lens by “leveraging policy and funding.” School-based mental health clinics for ALL CHILDREN have been given the green-GO-full-speed-ahead including gender-affirming care.

The Biden-Harris Administration's policy goal to increase access to health and mental health services. The report recommends establishing an integrated framework of educational, social, emotional, and behavioral health support for all and leveraging policy and funding.  Medicaid is one of our Nation’s primary sources of funding for health and mental health services for children with and without disabilities… (See here for reimbursement schedules for Medicaid Documentation:)

Medicaid reimbursement at school is sheltered from state budgets and public scrutiny.   This federal outreach initiative has piggybacked education law allowing access to your children for deprogramming. However, a mental health intervention without a clinical diagnosis is truly blurring the lines and stepping outside the boundaries of established law. “Mental health services are regulated by a board of licensing for a reason – there are very real public interests at stake. The consequences of getting mental health wrong can be serious, even deadly.” (Source: A Legal Process Substack:)                    

But yet, here I am today telling parents they are messing with your kids daily, and parents aren’t aware of it.

Data Collection, Data Trafficking, and Duplication Of Teacher Practices

There are daily behavioral data collection, surveys, and analysis which is input into teacher dashboards. Observational and screening data is being used to identify children with mental health problems. Who decides what these mental health problems are? Who has access to all this personal data when FERPA, Family Education Rights In Privacy Act, allows personal data to flow to 3rd party vendors? (Source: FERPA Loopholes:) HIPAA does not cover education data. We are not talking about academic scores here. We are talking about psychological profiles likened to China’s social credit system. Teachers are being “coached” through a series of workshops called fidelity. So the “professional creep” of teacher workshops are giving teachers the authority to identify kids with a mental health disorder by monitoring every child called Tier 1 universal screening. Teachers are being told that this is their job. Look out if this teacher thinks or has a bad connotation of active little boys with bad deeds…or pushing someone in the cafeteria lunch line, or doodling on paper instead of listening to the teacher. What are possible Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions? (See the SRSS Student Risk Screening Scale Template)

These highly visible and intentional techniques enable teachers to be PBIS vanguards as they are groomed and supported to collect this personally identifiable information for the feds by saying these techniques are “evidence-based”. These coaching sessions carried out by IDEA (Special Education) tell teachers that they are involved in “implementation science” and prime teachers for “buy-in”. Teachers are being rewarded for daily surveillance called “Child Find.” What qualifies them to do this? Oh wait, they also are being trained to intercede in your child’s health by implementing mental health interventions called “applied behavior analysis” in which their sweetheart name to provide treatment is called “positive behavior intervention and supports.

(Source: PBIS is Applied Behavior Analysis, ABA:  Teacher Training in PBIS, ABA)

So why are we allowing teachers to use Applied Behavior Analysis, a technique that was devised for autistic children, and use it on all children? The potential for malpractice and abuse is incalculable, not to mention the fact that using a modality designed for children with real disability on capable children DISABLES THEM. (Fillman) [2]

The shocking realization is that our country is at the tipping point that will change the future of America forever. Deprogramming our kids is in full assault as Hillary’s suggestion implies while wide-scale adoption of PBIS is being implemented in American classrooms…and the Medicaid money keeps flowing.

There is much to think about here. But what is most worrisome? What imprint will replace American ethics? Watch the revolting news as students no longer have remorse, are swayed by groupthink, cannot make decisions, hate is on display, and hearts are cleansed of any regret or conscience. There are several different names describing these cringe-worthy environments at school that parents should be made aware of. The pure essence of scrubbing the slate clean is being accomplished by the following practices in our schools. My friends, the future is now. Remove your kids from public school.

Social and Emotional Learning, SEL
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports, PBIS
Multi-Tiered System of Supports, MTSS
Instructional Support Teams, IST
Student Assistance Programs, SAP
Universal Design For Learning, UDL
Specialized Student Individualized Support, SSIS
Response To Intervention, RTI
Critical Race Theory
Project AWARE
Character ED

Source Links, Notes, and Medicaid Sources:

Overview: “Biden Expands ObamaCare For Mental Health Services At School To Psychoanalyze Children 0-21”:

Pittsburgh PSWIM experiment with documentation attached:


  1. [1] Why were community schools withdrawn in the 1990’s? The effort by parents across the country to destroy these mental health standards under OBE were successful. Honesty, integrity, emotion regulation, and all standards in the affective domain were withdrawn because of public outcry. There was no way to enforce or have teachers teach the soft skills standards of social and emotional learning.
  2. [2] Thanks to Chris Evans for delineating the concept of certified vs. licensed mental health providers and notes from Deb Fillman.

© 2023 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

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About the Author: Anita Hoge

Anita B. Hoge, lecturer, educational researcher, parent. In 1990 a federal investigation was completed against the Pennsylvania Department of Education, after filing a federal complaint against the Educational Quality Assessment, EQA, & the US Department of Education's National Assessment of Educational Progress, NAEP, under the Protection of Pupils Rights Amendment. Forced the Pennsylvania EQA to be withdrawn. Forced the US Department of Education to do their job to investigate the psychological testing of children without informed written parental consent. NAEP was never investigated because the Department said I didn't have standing, although documents had proven that NAEP did experimental research & used different states to pilot their agenda by embedding their test questions into the Pennsylvania EQA as well as other state tests. Subject & main researcher for the book, Educating for the New World Order. My story is told about an incredible journey into the devious & deceptive operations of our government to change the values, attitudes & beliefs of American children to accept a new world order. The first to document the expansive data collection operation of our government establishing micro-records on individual people in the United States. Experimentation, illegal testing, & data collection is exposed. Lectured all over the Unites States in the 90's about illegal & controversial testing, curriculum, & collection of data by our government. Arranged & lectured town hall meetings all across the state of Pennsylvania to withdraw affective student learning outcomes to stop Outcome Based Education. In January of 1992, parents in Pennsylvania won the battle against OBE when the Independent Regulatory Review Board had requested that the State Board of Education remove all outcomes which dealt with attitudes, habits, traits, feelings, values, & opinions which are difficult & subjective to measure & that the remaining outcomes be defined & coordinated with academic requirements that can be measured. The battle continues. E-Mail:


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