Horror in Israel

Horror in Israel

The headlines are horrific!

Babies Killed, Beheaded in Israel by Hamas at Kfar Aza: Israeli TV MSN
Hamas terrorists 'slaughtered 40 babies and children with some beheaded'  EXPRESS-UK
At least 40 babies, some beheaded, found by Israel soldiers in Hamas-attacked village FOX NEWS

The Center for Garden State Families is a strong supporter of Israel. Our hearts are broken and grieved over the now 1000+ murdered apparently in one day from an invasion of the Hamas terrorist group out of the Gaza Strip. Now war is declared by Israel on the Iranian-backed terror group. 

Prime Minister Netanyahu stated on X formerly Twitter, "Israel is at war. We didn’t want this war. It was forced upon us in the most brutal and savage way. But though Israel didn’t start this war, Israel will finish it. Once, the Jewish people were stateless. Once, the Jewish people were defenseless. No longer. Hamas will understand that by attacking us, they have made a mistake of historic proportions. We will exact a price that will be remembered by them and Israel’s other enemies for decades to come. The savage attacks that Hamas perpetrated against innocent Israelis are mindboggling: slaughtering families in their homes, massacring hundreds of young people at an outdoor festival, kidnapping scores of women, children and elderly, even Holocaust survivors. Hamas terrorists bound, burned and executed children. They are savages. Hamas is ISIS. And just as the forces of civilization united to defeat ISIS, the forces of civilization must support Israel in defeating Hamas. I want to thank President Biden for his unequivocal support. I want to thank leaders across the world who are standing with Israel today. I want to thank the people and Congress of the United States of America. In fighting Hamas, Israel is not only fighting for its own people. It is fighting for every country that stands against barbarism. Israel will win this war, and when Israel wins, the entire civilized world wins."

“For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a lamp that burns.” Isaiah 62:1

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, May those who love her be secure, May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.
For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, 'Peace be within you.'
For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity."

Psalms 122:5-9

Jersey Conservative wrote two consecutive stories reminding us of what is happening in Trenton directly related to the horrors taking place now in Israel.

NJ leaders must demand CAIR oppose Hamas violence against women

October 9, 2023

By Rubashov

The Telegraph (U.K.) – “The naked body of a woman was paraded through the streets in the back of a pick-up truck on Saturday as Hamas fighters sat on her unmoving form. 

A celebrating crowd surrounded the armed men in combat fatigues, who shouted ‘Allah Akbar’ from the open back of the truck. 

Some in the crowd, which included youngsters, spat on the woman’s body before the truck sped away on a day of unprecedented massacres of Israeli civilians.” 

The video is a horrific display of barbarism and violence against women:


German Woman's Corpse Paraded Naked Through Israel Streets, Spat On By Hamas Militants, Disturbing Video Shows: WATCH (india.com)

“The woman was later named as Shani Louk… Miss Louk is believed to have been kidnapped from Israel after Hamas fighters infiltrated by air, sea, and land… Miss Louk had been attending an outdoor music festival near Kibbutz Urim when militants stormed the area, The Post reported.” 

Hundreds of civilian women – some mothers with children – have been abducted and brought against their will to holding facilities in Hamas-controlled areas. This is clearly a violation of international law. Each abduction constitutes a war crime. 

Here are photos of just some of the women who have been kidnapped by Hamas:


Every abduction by Hamas is a War Crime.

CAIR-NJ must speak up and stand on the side of humanity.

In response to these abductions by Hamas, the New Jersey branch of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-NJ) issued a statement yesterday that ignored the crimes of violence perpetrated by Hamas against women and instead “condemned” New Jersey politicians who expressed their disapproval of Hamas’ conduct. CAIR-NJ wrote:

CAIR-NJ Calls on NJ Elected Officials to Meet with Palestinian Human Rights Advocates, Stands in Solidarity with Gaza

(Newark, NJ, 10/08/2023) – The New Jersey chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NJ), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today condemned New Jersey elected officials’ ignoring of the Palestinian peoples’ suffering at the hands of Israel’s latest onslaught of Gaza, and called on them to meet with Palestinian human rights advocates.

CAIR-NJ has also written to local and state officials with suggested language, additional background information, and resources for their use.

Israeli forces killed at least 232 people and wounded 1,600 others in the Gaza strip in the last 24 hours.

The growing civilian casualty toll comes in response to Hamas’s latest offensive, which killed at least 250 Israelis and wounded hundreds more. The assault on Israel came as a response to the Israeli Defense Forces’ most recent assault on al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and its ongoing siege and blockade of Gaza.

…A number of New Jersey elected officials issued statements in support of Israel’s latest aggressions in Gaza. The New Jersey chapter of American Muslim in Palestine announced a call to join protests in surrounding areas organized by The People’s Forum, Al-Awda, and others.

Here is the full press release from CAIR-NJ: https://cair-nj.org/cair-nj-calls-on-nj-elected-officials-to-meet-with-palestinian-human-rights-advocates-stands-in-solidarity-with-gaza/

Despite being condemned by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as a terrorist organization, CAIR and CAIR-NJ exercises real power with many New Jersey politicians. For example, in 2022, Governor Phil Murphy appointed Nadia Kahf, the chairwoman of CAIR-NJ and an immigration attorney, to the New Jersey Superior Court.

Another example is the 2021 controversy over some social media comments made by newly elected State Senator Ed Durr. CAIR had the power to demand Senator Durr attend a meeting – which was brokered by Essex County GOP Chairman Al Barlas – at which Durr was convinced to issue a “sincere apology” and a statement in which he made the commitment to “stand against Islamophobia”.

These same politicians who have influence with CAIR-NJ must now intercede on behalf of the women held against their will by Hamas. The only nonviolent solution to achieve the rescue of these women is for Islamic organizations like CAIR-NJ to demand their return.

The New Jersey Legislature – along with all 21 County Boards of Commissioners – should pass resolutions condemning the tactics of targeting civilian women with kidnapping and violence as outside the bounds of civilized behavior. CAIR-NJ should issue a statement that leaves no doubt as to where it stands on criminally targeting civilian women with abduction and violence as a tactic of war.

CAIR-NJ should further demand that Hamas track down the Hamas military personnel pictured in the video with the dead girl and that Hamas, to demonstrate its commitment to civilized norms, arrest and turn them over to the International Criminal Court at The Hague.

The Gaza region governed by Hamas has been the recipient of billions worth of United Nations aid ($4.5 billion between 2014 and 2020) and millions in aid from the United States. If Hamas cannot conduct a military operation within the rules of the Geneva Conventions, they should not be getting aid.

If CAIR-NJ wishes to brush-up on the Geneva Conventions, the International Committee of the Red Cross offers this handy guide:

The Geneva Conventions and their Commentaries
The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols form the core of international humanitarian law, which regulates the conduct of armed conflict and seeks to limit its effects. They protect people not taking part in hostilities and those who are no longer doing so.



37 Senators voted to confirm CAIR-NJ Chair as Superior Crt Judge

October 10, 2023

By Rubashov

The statements coming from CAIR-NJ have been little more than warmed over Hamas propaganda. They show a callous lack of regard for the fate of the women who have been abducted – even after Hamas has threatened to execute them and stream it online.

This goes against the principles of Islamic religion. As Dr. Ahmed Al-Dawoody, Legal Adviser (Islamic Law and Jurisprudence) to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), reminds us:

Islamic law makes it abundantly clear that all fighting on the battlefield must be directed solely against enemy combatants. Civilians and non-combatants must not be deliberately harmed during the course of hostilities. According to the Qur’ān 2:190: “And fight in the way of God those who fight against you and do not transgress, indeed God does not like transgressors.” Several reports attributed to the Prophet in which he specifically mentioned five categories of people who are afforded non-combatant immunity under Islamic law: women, children, the elderly, the clergy, and, significantly, the ʻusafā’ (slaves or people hired to perform certain services for the enemy on the battlefield, but who take no part in actual hostilities).

Made up of American citizens, CAIR-NJ is sadly functioning as a public relations arm of Hamas. Unfortunately, CAIR-NJ is occupying the same uncritical space once held by the German-American Bund. Here is the full press release from CAIR-NJ: https://cair-nj.org/cair-nj-calls-on-nj-elected-officials-to-meet-with-palestinian-human-rights-advocates-stands-in-solidarity-with-gaza/

Is this understanding of CAIR the reason behind the decision by the government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to designate CAIR as a “terrorist” organization? And why has the political class in New Jersey ignored that designation and, in so doing, disrespected the concerns raised by one of America’s closest Islamic allies?

On February 28th of this year, 37 members of the New Jersey Senate voted to make Nadia Kahf, CAIR-NJ’s Chairwoman, a Superior Court judge. Governor Phil Murphy had nominated her the year before, fully aware that she had served on CAIR-NJ’s board since 2003. Kahf’s involvement with that organization, and the statements it issued, received little consideration – despite CAIR’s designation as a “terrorist” organization by one of America’s Islamic allies.

Despite CAIR-NJ’s fixation with what others do on social media, Senate leaders engineered a committee process in which Nadia Kahf’s background with CAIR-NJ, and the pronouncements made by the group, received minimal attention.  NorthJersey.com reported that Senator Kristin Corrado was lobbied to “advance” the nomination. Senator Nellie Pou praised Kahf while introducing her on the Senate floor.

The Senate’s GOP leadership displayed a particular lack of moral courage. Despite having a plethora of information available to them about CAIR-NJ and the nomination, they chose to collaborate with Governor Murphy instead of raising the issues that a genuine opposition would.

All of that is past. Now we are here. Innocent civilian women have been abducted. Some have already been killed. Others have reportedly been the victim of prolonged sexual assault. Hamas is threatening to murder more women and post it on social media. Through it all, CAIR-NJ has ignored the fate of these women and has acted to justify the barbaric behavior by Hamas.

Those who helped elevate CAIR-NJ should now call in the favor and ask CAIR-NJ and its leaders, individually, to implore Hamas to release the civilian women they hold against their will, including mothers with children. To release them and ensure their safe passage by way of the United Nations or some third-party Islamic nation.

Despite being condemned by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as a terrorist organization, CAIR and CAIR-NJ exercises influence with many New Jersey politicians. An example is the 2021 controversy over some social media comments made by newly elected State Senator Ed Durr. CAIR had influence enough to demand Senator Durr attend a meeting – brokered by Essex County GOP Chairman Al Barlas – at which Durr was convinced to issue a “sincere apology” and a statement in which he made the commitment to “stand against Islamophobia”.

It's time to make it a two-way street. The politicians who have been influenced by CAIR-NJ must now exercise their influence and intercede on behalf of the women held against their will by Hamas. The only nonviolent solution to achieve the rescue of these women is for Islamic organizations like CAIR-NJ to demand their return. 


Every abduction by Hamas is a War Crime.

CAIR-NJ must speak up and stand on the side of humanity. 


Faith, Family and Freedom Conference "The Future of America?"

Keynote Speaker Bill Spadea of 101.5FM and founder of the Common Sense Club.

Other speakers include Rev. Gregory Quinlan Center for Garden State Families, Jarrett Branch TPUSA, Nicole Stouffer Chaos and Control, Mike Blasi former 4th CD candidate, and 10 others. 

Saturday, October 15, 2023 9:00 AM-4:00 PM.

The Charles A. Smith Community Center, 15 East Lacey Road, Forked River, NJ 08731

Roxbury Board of Education is meeting next Monday, October 16, 2023, at 7:30PM at Lincoln Roosevelt School 34 N. Hillside Ave. Succasunna, NJ to rescind policy 5756. Please come out and show your support.


American Library Association: Not Child Friendly


Too much is at stake! Don't wait.