Murphy and Platkin on the Wrong Side of Reality and the Polling Proves It!

Governor Phil Murphy and Attorney General Matt Platkin at AG Platkins swearing in ceremony.

Gov. Phil Murphy and Atty. Gen. Matt Platkin are on the wrong side of reality. On August 22, 2023 a Monmouth University Poll showed 77% of respondents believed middle and high schools should notify parents if a student requests to be identified as a different gender than what’s on the school registration. This follows a preliminary injunction against the new policies of three Monmouth County school districts to notify parents by State Superior Court Judge David F. Bauman. Those school districts are Middletown, Marlboro, and Manalapan-Englishtown Regional districts. The injunction is in place until the current court case is resolved.

New Jersey Atty. Gen. Matthew Platkin sued the three districts at the urging of Gov. Phil Murphy claiming the policies these school districts are proposing violated New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination (LAD), to see the 114 pages of law in the LAD statute click here. Platkin and Murphy allege that these policies put transgender and non-binary students at risk. As we have stated many times here at The Center for Garden State Families, there remains zero replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biologic etiology for homosexuality or anything LGBTQIA-XYZ+++. The 2019 Ganna massive worldwide genome study using a sample of 477,000 human genomes, over three continents, with multiple research teams and scientists, some of whom identified LGBTQIA-XYZ+++, concluded there is no single gay gene. There is zero scientific evidence supporting anything other than a male or female identity. This is a developmental gender identity disorder. Developed not innate, acquired not inborn. Over the last several decades, we have seen a sociological contagion that has only escalated in the last several years to include transgender-affirming therapy. There is no medical justification or scientific evidence for such therapy. This is not just a bridge too far, it is a leap outside of the realms of reality!

The Monmouth University poll showed that even if parental notification is not required, 55% of New Jersey residents believe it is better for the school to let parents know, while 41% say the request is something the schools should let the parents and students decide on their own. The numbers increase when only parents of minors are polled. 81% think schools should require notification of gender identity requests by students and 59% say schools should still let parents know even if it’s not a requirement.

What is revealing about the poll is that parental notification of a student’s gender identity request receives majority support across the political spectrum, but the size of the majority depends on the political affiliation.

The poll found that 92% of Republicans support requiring parental notification, with an amazing 81% of independent identified voters and a surprising 61% of Democrats also favoring parental notification—clearly Gov. Murphy and Atty. Gen. Matt Platkin are on the wrong side of reality. They are on the wrong side of science and they sincerely do not have the best interests of the citizens of New Jersey in mind. What is amazing to see is that when Gov. Gavin Newsom of California pushes the same agendas agenda as Phil Murphy and his Atty. Gen. are not far behind. This is a dangerous competition, particularly for the health and safety of New Jersey school-aged children.

“It does seem clear that a large section of New Jersey citizens are uncomfortable with discussing these issues in elementary school even though the state has different gender identity education standards for various grade levels,” said Patrick Murray, the Director of Monmouth University Polling Institute.

Another common sense finding in the poll states that regarding accommodations for transgender students, 50% of respondents said transgender students should use the bathroom facilities designated as “boys” or “girls” that match their assigned gender of birth rather than current asserted gender identity. Only 20% of residents in the polls say transgender students should use the bathroom that matches their chosen gender identity while 14% are unsure how to handle the school bathroom situation. 

The Center for Garden State Families believes it is time for absolute school choice in New Jersey and across America. The massive education industrial complex that has taken over education in the last 60 years has become a tool for dangerous unhealthy and life-threatening agendas for our children and families. We cannot rest, we cannot stop until we change the direction of New Jersey and that starts with our local school districts. Help us as we continue to speak truth to power from the governor’s office to the legislature, and the school boards. 

We vow to continue this fight. And we will. We will not surrender or back down. With your help, we can be more effective. Reach more and change the radical course of those who are determined to destroy our families and our children. We can only do this with your financial support. Join us!


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