Tomorrow: Bill to Require Cursive Handwriting in NJ Public Schools in Senate Education Committee
S1783, State Sen. Angela McKnight and its assembly companion A1511 Asm. Gary Scarfenberger, requires a school district to incorporate instruction on cursive handwriting into the curriculum for students in elementary schools. The curriculum will include activities and instructional materials that help students become proficient in reading cursive and writing in cursive legibly by the end of the third grade.
Some research suggests that learning to read and write in cursive benefits the development of cognitive, motor, and literacy skills. In addition, instruction in cursive handwriting has been associated with improved academic outcomes for students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia.
Cursive handwriting has clear and proven benefits for all children, and studies show what we already know: children benefit from learning cursive handwriting. VOTE YES on S1783 and its Assembly companion A1511.
The Center for Garden State Families has long supported the return of cursive handwriting as mandatory in all government schools. It was crazy to take it out!
The Senate Education Committee will meet tomorrow at 10 AM to hear testimony on this and other bills. If you would like to attend, the hearing is in Committee Room 4, first floor Statehouse Annex, Trenton, New Jersey. Please take action and share this alert: