William V. Roeder, Executive Director

NJ State Board of Medical Examiners P.O. Box 183

Trenton, NJ 08625-0183


March 5, 2021


Dear William V. Roeder and the NJ State Board of Medical Examiners,

Regarding PRN 2021-002, Surgery, Special Procedures, and Anesthesia Services Performed in an Office Setting.

I am writing you on behalf of our 11,000 direct constituents In the Garden State.

I am a retired Registered Nurse. I entered the allied health field in 1978 as a Licensed Practical Nurse and received my Associate Degree in Applied Science Nursing In 1990.

During my 40-year career, I worked in long-term care, medical-surgical unit in hospitals, and in cardiovascular intensive care units. I officially retired in 2007 but continue to volunteer where I can in not-for-profit charitable health clinics.

I volunteered, both as an LPN and RN to my friends and acquaintances who were dying of AIDS.

The Center for Garden State Families is a Christian family advocacy organization. We understand that you have been instructed by Gov. Phil Murphy and his wife Tammy to lower the standard of care and allow non-surgically qualified, non-medical doctors to perform abortion procedures. This is a political move. This is to satisfy a certain sector of the left who gives tremendous donations to Phil Murphy and his party.

There are no reasonable medical or scientific explanations for lowering the standard of care to perform abortions or any other invasive surgical procedure other than a political motive.

Lowering the standards as you have been asked to do by the Governor, who appointed you to your position, is to endorse unethical and potentially dangerous consequences to women who are statistically of racial minorities.

To accept and implement the PRN 2021-002, Surgery, Special Procedures and Anesthesia Services Performed in an Office Setting is to kill more black and brown babies. This is racist on its face. This is to satisfy political donors like the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and an industry that harvests and traffics in fetal tissue. The legislation proposed by Sen. Loretta Weinberg and Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle, is meeting serious opposition in their own caucuses and is not likely to get a hearing in committee of either chamber. So, in order to skirt the will of the people who find lowering the standards, making standards unsafe, putting minority women in danger, the Governor has come to you to implement this unethical and dangerous policy.

Please do the right thing. Please do not do the political thing. Do not accept these standards that Governor Philip Murphy demands that you do.

Respectfully submitted,


Rev. Gregory Quinlan RN (retired)

The Center for Garden State Families

1719 Route 10, Suite 309

Parsippany, NJ 07054

Office (973) 658-4310


URGENT! The US Senate Judiciary may hear the Equality Act HR5 this coming Wednesday


If the Foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?