Phil Murphy's DOE mandates Anal Sex Education starting in 8th Grade

"On Wednesday, June 3rd the New Jersey State Board of Education approved new Student Learning Standards, a practice that occurs every five years. Typically these exercises are pro forma: Standards, after all, align with what we used to call Common Core and votes are traditionally unanimous.

Not this time. Instead, Board members were split and the final vote was 8-4. Why? According to Vice President Andrew Mulvihill, there was some consternation about the 65-page section on Comprehensive Health and Physical Education, which had the most changes from the 2015 Learning Standards. Among a number of additions is this one (on page 32) that will be taught in 8th grade: “Define vaginal, oral, and anal sex.”

Mulvihill tells me that when the State Board has regional meetings, which are more conducive to public input, he often hears parents with passionate feelings about what is appropriate and inappropriate for their children to learn, especially about sex. When he first reviewed the draft of the standards he approached DOE leaders to explain his concerns but they were “dismissive.” Another Board member, Ernest P. Lepore, suggested at yesterday’s meeting that the DOE might consider a policy that parents specifically “opt-in” to lessons on vaginal, oral, and anal sex, especially since parents often miss the notice to “opt-out.”. This idea was dismissed as well, with the DOE claiming that if the Board didn’t approve the whole package (663 pages) that it would all have to be redone. 

“I couldn’t in good conscience vote for this, beyond my own views,” Mulvihill said, “after hearing the passion on both sides from the public.”  The meeting was led by Commissioner Lamont Repollet and Deputy Commissioner Linda Eno. Their mood was “jovial,” with Repollet apparently eager to assume his new post as president of Kean University, ranked 129th among 170 regional four-year colleges."

The above story can be found on New Jersey Left Behind.

Here is how jovial this practice is for all who participate in it. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “Being a receptive partner during anal sex is the highest-risk sexual activity for getting HIV. The bottom's risk of getting HIV is very high because the lining of the rectum is thin and may allow HIV to enter the body during anal sex. The insertive partner is also at risk for getting HIV during anal sex.” It is important to point out that HPV, anal warts, are also spread through anal intercourse.

Tammy Murphy and her husband, the "King" and Governor, are doing all that they can to keep the approval of their cocktail party, "enlightened", elitist, progressive Hollywood friends.

As usual, the wife of the Governor was front and center in advocating for her peculiar world view. Although she holds no elected office, by virtue of her husband’s position, Tammy Murphy has interfered with countless domestic issues.

In addition to her push to the hyper sexualization of New Jersey children, she has put the climate change religion on her progressive activist agenda. All this is at public expense and she even put out a press release bragging about it: 

“First Lady Tammy Murphy today announced that the New Jersey State Board of Education has adopted her initiative to make New Jersey the first state in the nation to incorporate climate change education across its K-12 learning standards. The New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) outline what is taught in New Jersey’s public schools and set the foundation for school districts to craft instruction and curricula. With this adoption, climate change education will be incorporated across seven content areas—21st Century Life and Careers, Comprehensive Health and Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, Technology, Visual and Performing Arts, and World Languages. Climate change standards have also been added to the appendices of the Mathematics and English Language Arts guidelines, which are up for review in 2022.”

Tammy Murphy’s goal was made clear by her husband:

“The adoption of these standards across our K-12 schools is an important step forward that will strengthen the future of New Jersey’s green energy economy. By incorporating these standards into the nation’s number one public education system, we are creating a catalyst and knowledge base for new green jobs and teaching our children to become leaders who will propel New Jersey forward to 100 percent clean energy by 2050.”

Of course, both Phil and Tammy Murphy are former corporate operators at Goldman Sachs, and the profits from their association with that global behemoth enabled Phil Murphy to fund his campaign for public office – along with the various non-profits run by Tammy Murphy, employing the likes of Al Alvarez, the former Murphy administration official accused of sexual assault. So it should surprise nobody that their plans for New Jersey neatly mesh with those of Goldman Sachs Renewable Power, a private company managed by Goldman Sachs Asset Management that owns and manages renewable power assets, primarily in the United States. The Company is one of the largest owners and operators of distributed generation solar assets in the United States. Governor Murphy is going to profit big from his wife's activism and all at the expense of New Jersey Citizens.

Worse, the Democrat controlled legislature is giving Murphy their blessing. The Democrat party has had absolute legislative control in New Jersey since 2001. It's time to change the climate in Trenton.


We suffer from The Plague of the Heart.


Urgent Dangerous Vote On Murphy Bail Out Shell Game