State Senator Steve Sweeney's B&B - Bigotry and Bullying

Senator Weinberg offered and passed an amendment on Thursday that allows parents who have children in Christian, parochial, private schools to refuse immunizations for their children. The problem with this amendment is that if you are to poor to put your children in another school other than a government school, a.k.a. public school, then you are denied the right to protect your children from the questionable and unsettled science of vaccinations. This is blatant discrimination. This is bigotry. Senate President Sweeney while bullying members of his own party to vote for S2173 was able to secure the vote of Republican Sen. Declan O Scanlon of Holmdel. Apparently based on the amendment from Weinberg.

Sen. O" Scanlon is receiving an avalanche of opposition for his support for the amendment by his constituents. reported Sunday regarding S2173; “It’s still a little uncertain,” Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, D-Bergen, one of the bill’s sponsors, said late Sunday. Weinberg declined further comment."

New Jersey politics is essentially controlled by powerbroker and multi-millionaire George Norcross. With the help of his lifelong buddy state Senate president Steve Sweeney. Norcross is vested in insurance tying him to big Pharma.

The very short, about four minutes, debate on the amendment to S 2173 can be heard by clicking on the link below and starting at one hour and 11 minutes. Watch here

S-2173 - Final vote = Monday Jan. 13th to eliminate religious exemptions on vaccinations

The Democrat-controlled NJ Legislature appears to have the votes necessary to pass S2173, the bill aimed at removing religious exemptions from mandatory vaccinations for public school students. As the Senate was nearly drowned out by protestors, last-minute amendments were adopted to S-2173 and A-3818 that would mandate vaccination of all government school students, but allow exemption of religious school students. This drew objection from Republican Senators Pennacchio (R-26), Cardinale (R-39) and Testa (R-1), who called the bill "reprehensible".

More background below, but the above amendments are not yet published: Statement by Senate Health Committee

A3818 has passed the NJ General Assembly on 12/16/19, 45-25-6.

Statement by Assembly Health Committee

Why Does This Matter?

The question of mandatory vaccinations is touchy, and there are many opinions on the subject. We respect your right to make your own judgment for yourself and your children. We very seriously question whether the government should be enabled to mandate injections for those who have religious beliefs inconsistent with those dictates. Here, the government is taking religious liberty away, but adopting amendments that are likely to be temporary (so they can buy votes for passage?). It is very dangerous to allow those who want to control you to dictate what will be done to you.

Action: The Assembly will have to approve and vote on the amendment and then vote on the amended bill if passed. Then the Full Senate will vote on the amended bill. Call your State Assemblyperson and State Senator and voice your concern.

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