URGENT NJ Department of Education Eliminates Genders, Drops Equality, Adds CRT Tomorrow!!!!

From Chaos and Control 

RESPOND NOW!! Leave it to our mega-woke NJDOE (New Jersey Department of Education) to come up with additional garbage to shove in our schools right before September. The NJDOE is making amendments to “Managing for Equality and Equity in Education” and voting on this on Wednesday. These are administrative changes that are voted on by Murphy appointed minions who don’t care about the wishes of the citizens with children in the schools.  This state doesn’t give parents a second to rest. They push radical ideology in the summer months when parents aren’t paying attention. Read the link above to see the full changes.Below are some excerpts from the document:

The Department proposes amendments at N.J.A.C. 6A:7-1.7(b)2i, which permits district boards of education to conduct portions of classes that deal exclusively with human sexuality to be conducted in separate developmentally appropriate sessions for male and female students, provided the course content for such separately conducted sessions is the same. The Department proposes to replace “for male and female students” with “based on gender identity.” The proposed amendment will allow portions of classes that deal exclusively with human sexuality to be conducted in separate developmentally appropriate sessions based on gender identity of the students, provided the course content for such separately conducted sessions is the same.

The proposed amendment will provide school districts with the necessary level of flexibility in determining how to conduct sessions regarding portions of classes that deal exclusively with human sexuality. The proposed amendment is consistent with NJLAD, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), and guidance issued by the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.Portions of classes that deal exclusively with human sexuality may be conducted in separate developmentally based on the child’s perceived gender identity, not biology. There will be biological boys in your girl’s sex ed class learning about periods that they will never get. Girls will be learning about erections that they will never get.

Does this mean that the kids who are non-binary can just decide to opt out because they are neither?The Department proposes amendments at N.J.A.C. 6A:7-1.7(b)3, which requires each district board of education to ensure its curriculum and instruction reduce or prevent the underrepresentation of minority, female, and male students in all classes and programs, including gifted and talented, accelerated, and advanced classes. The Department proposes, instead, to require the curriculum and instruction to increase and promote equitable representation of all students in all classes and programs. The proposed amendments will use assets-based language, remove gender-specific language, be inclusive of all protected classes and categories for which this chapter applies, and ensure all classes and programs offered by the school district are represented.To prevent underrepresentation of genders, they proposed to just remove it from the curriculum and somehow this increases and promoting equitable representation of male and female students.

The Department proposes to delete the reference to athletic programs because the New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) regulates athletic programs, not the Department. The Department also proposes to replace “equitable and 18 co-educational” with “in a co-educational setting that is developmentally appropriate” to ensure that the programs can meet the needs of all categories of protected classes based on students’ developmental needs.The Department proposes amendments at N.J.A.C. 6A:7-1.7(d)2, which allows a school district to choose to operate separate teams for the two sexes in one or more sports or single teams open competitively to members of both sexes, as long as the athletic program, as a whole, provides equal opportunities for students of both sexes to participate in sports at comparable levels of difficulty and competency. The Department proposes to replace the references to “two” or “both” sexes with “based on sex” or “all” sexes, respectively, to ensure that the regulation captures all gender identities and not only male and female.Where would we be without the NJDOE ensuring we capture all made up genders in school sports.American history, as well as the history of other cultures, and taught as part of U.S. history, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:35-1 and the NJSLS.

The Department proposes, instead, to require a district board of education to ensure that the curriculum developed by the Amistad Commission is infused into the curriculum and is taught.And yet another special interest group in charge of our school’s curriculum who aligns with Ibram X. Kendi. Kendi pushes “Anti-Racism” Also known as CRT. In Black Horse pike school they include Kendi’s books in the African American Studies Course Syllabus as to meet the Amistad requirements.The Department proposes to delete the term “equality,” which means sameness, uniformity, and equivalence. The definition also states that equality focuses on a student’s access to educational resources. The Department proposes to delete the term throughout the chapter, except in the chapter’s title, because “equity,” as proposed for amendment, better aligns with current terminology and evidence-based practices in education.

The Department proposes to amend the definition for “equity,” which means when all groups of students master the goals of the curriculum to approximately the same degree. The definition also states that equity focuses on students’ access to knowledge. The Department proposes, instead, that the term means students have the opportunity to master the goals of the curriculum in an educational environment that is fair, just, and impartial to all individuals. As proposed for amendment, the definition also will state that equity focuses on consistent and systematic access for all students to curriculum, resources, instruction, and environments that sustain opportunities for excellent outcomes.

The proposed amendments will support differentiated instruction and formative assessments aligned to the NJSLS.Now you have to guess your district’s interpretation of what this means as it pertains to changing from “equality” to “equity.”These new requirements allow for the commissioner to “impose appropriate sanctions if the district doesn’t implement the comprehensive equity plan within 180 days of the plan’s approval date.” The regulation states that sanctions may include action to suspend, terminate or refuse to award Federal or State financial assistance.The main issue is that the Murphy approved NJ will stop at nothing to sneak in all the new fads in education right into our schools, rendering our local BOEs unable to make decisions that are best for the district without losing funds.

RESPOND NOW!!! Email stateboardoffice@doe.nj.gov and petition them to vote "NO" on the amendments of Chapter 7 as suggested by the NJDOE and stop pushing radical ideology.



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