Dangerous anti-child, anti-family, and totally woke legislation could pass by the end of June if we do not ACT NOW!

The Center for Garden State Families is joining multiple pro-family and pro-parent organizations across New Jersey to bring concerned New Jersey citizens face-to-face with their legislators in Trenton to stop three bad pieces of legislation. Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 10 AM in the cafeteria on the lower level of the New Jersey State House at 125 W. State Street, Trenton, New Jersey 08608

The Center for Garden State Families makes it easy for you to have direct access to your individual State Senate and Assembly members, Members of Congress, and other policymakers. If you have not yet contacted your state legislators about these bills and other important issues of concern to you and your family, please go to our action center by clicking this link https://gardenstatefamilies.org/action-alert/. Your Voice is paramount to convincing your elected officials to vote for or against issues that affect New Jersey families. 
If you arrive late, get lost in the building, and need help finding where we are,                                           call Rev. Gregory Quinlan at 513-435-1125. 

NJ 2024 Primary Voter Guide Available


National Day of Prayer this Thursday, May 2 Trenton & Legislative Update