National Day of Prayer this Thursday, May 2 Trenton & Legislative Update

Please join us

Thursday, May 2, 2024, 11 AM - 1 PM

 New Jersey State House Annex

145 West State Street, Trenton, NJ

Legislative Action Update
  • UPDATE: The nomination of Serena Rice for NJ State Board of Education is still in play. The State Senate did not put Serena Rice on the agenda, in large part due to your advocacy to stop her extremely radical, dangerous and woke agenda to socially, chemically, and surgically trans your children! But she could be placed on the agenda when they next meet!!!!! Please follow this link and let your state senator know to vote NO on Serena Rice. 
  • The Freedom to Read Act AKA the Freedom to Groom and Exploit Act has not yet been scheduled for a committee hearing in either chamber. Click on this link and tell your state senator to Vote NO on S2421/A3446 

Dangerous anti-child, anti-family, and totally woke legislation could pass by the end of June if we do not ACT NOW!


Advocates for child gender transition are “misguided ideologues”.