Dangerous Freedom to Read Act is a Real Threat to Your Child's Safety.

A3446/S2421 protects the dissemination of instructions on how to access controversial sex Apps like Grindr. Grindr is a predominately gay sex hook-up that includes male prostitutes. 

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has documented that users of such sex apps were nearly twice as likely to test positive for sexually transmitted diseases than were non-users. National Public Radio (NPR) has warned against children's access to such sex apps, as have law enforcement agencies across the country, noting the increased risks of child pornography, sexual assault, rape, and even murder.

The sponsors of A3446/S2421 have attempted to hide the dangers inherent in this legislation by fraudulently naming it the "Freedom to Read Act".

A3446/S2421 allows librarians and staff in public schools and public libraries to provide children with material that gives instruction on how to access controversial sex Apps. Parents and concerned citizens have even testified that the bill provides children with access to what is defined as pornographic material under current law.

A3446/S2421 gives sweeping powers to the Commissioner of Education and other parties with an ideological agenda  -  such as the New Jersey Association of School Libraries and the New Jersey School Board Association  -  to develop a model policy regarding media content in libraries. This includes material giving children instructions on how to access sex apps like Grindr. The above-listed organizations are explicitly ANTI-PARENT.

Regardless of its allowance for local school boards to participate in the vetting of materials and libraries, the process outlined by A3446/S2421 gives the Commissioner of Education the final say and the ability to amend the model policy at any time. If librarians are not breaking the law, why do they need an exemption from state obscenity laws? This is destroying local control over your school and guidance over your child.

A3446/S2421 makes the state government a partner in the promotion and distribution of sex Apps to children. The same state government has issued repeated warnings to parents about the dangers sex apps pose to their children. What will the state's legal position be after children are harmed because they were provided access to these sex apps through the classroom or school library?  

Urge your legislators to please consider the health and safety of children before voting on A3446/S2421. If children are harmed because they were given access to dangerous sex apps in the classroom or school library, those who support this legislation will bear some of that guilt. Please vote NO on A3446/ S2421!


Go the extra mile

CALL AND EMAIL NOW and every day through 

Monday, September 30th

Contact the Senate Education Committee Members and tell them:

  1. VOTE NO on S2421/A3446

  2. Sexually-explicit materials in schools hurt all children.


Senator Vin Gopal (Chair)

sengopal@njleg.org, 732-695-3371

Senator Shirley Turner (Vice Chair)

senturner@njleg.org, 609-323-7239

Senator Kristin Corrado

sencorrado@njleg.org,  973-237-1360

Senator Owen Henry

senhenry@njleg.org, 732-607-7580

Senator Angela McKnight

senmcknight@njleg.org, 201-360-2502

JOIN US IN TRENTON on Monday, September 30th

Can you join us for the Senate Education Committee Meeting on Monday? It begins at 9:30 AM in Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ.

Prepare a statement to present to the committee or just come and show the strength of the opposition! 


Voter Guide for November 5, 2024 Election. Please vote.


This MONDAY. Act NOW. Don't Handcuff MY Healthcare. Vote NO on A1884