This MONDAY. Act NOW. Don't Handcuff MY Healthcare. Vote NO on A1884


Assemblyman Herb Conaway Jr.


What's Happening: 

During the Sars COVID-19 pandemic, we were all lied to.  From facemasks to the vaccine to distancing and the abusive shutdown, it was all a sham. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are now acceptable treatments for the COVID-19 virus.

The entire handling of the Covid pandemic was misinformation from our government and doctors themselves. Jabbed or not jabbed, we were all lied to!

The Center for Garden State Families often wrote about the pandemic and the consequences of the "misinformation" given to us by Dr. Fauci and the medical profession.


“Dr. Conaway's bill is medical malpractice. This is denying doctors their conscience.  As someone who spent 30 years as a nurse, working with AIDS patients, we had conferences where we were able to discuss care, particularly for patients with other conditions that required unique treatments.  Standard protocols don't work for everyone. Individual human bodies did not read nor do they always align with medical textbooks. Thinking outside the box, discoveries are made that sometimes actually become usable protocols for medical treatment. This bill, A1884, would stop that. This bill is pure medical quackery!”        

Rev. Gregory Quinlan RN retired.


“Medical standards change over time. All therapies should be constantly reviewed and challenged for us to have progress. Some therapies will stand, but others will eventually be reversed. We need to be humble and flexible in how we treat our patients. The government should not be involved." 

Dr. Alieda Eck MD

Vote NO on A1884.

This information alert is largely based on a Stand for Health Freedom alert. 

  • Bill A1884, sponsored by Assemblyman Herb Conaway, MD is being heard Monday, September 23, 2024 at 10 AM in the Assembly Health Committee, Room 16  in Trenton. New Jersey residents are encouraged to attend the meeting and give personal testimony.   

  • If passed, bill A1884 will deem the act of disseminating “misinformation” as professional misconduct for health care professionals and further subject them to disciplinary action. This bill defines “disseminate” to mean the conveyance of information, in the form of treatment or advice, from a health care professional to a patient under the health care professional’s care. “Misinformation” is defined as: “any health-related claim of fact that is false and contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.” “Disinformation” is defined as:  “misinformation that is deliberately disseminated with malicious intent or an intent to mislead.”

  • Key Questions Raised: 

    1. Are New Jersey legislators attempting to silence healthcare professionals and infringe upon free speech? 

    2. Will this bill transform New Jersey into a medical police state, where dissenting medical opinions are punished rather than discussed and further studied? 

    3. Haven’t we learned from the mistakes of the COVID-19 pandemic in that some of the interventions and treatments recommended based on consensus from the medical community turned out to have devastating consequences for patients (ie: intubation and Remdesivir)?

    4. Doesn’t this bill contradict the fluid and evolving nature of the scientific method? 

    5. How will this bill affect medical professionals’ use of new treatments or those being used successfully “off-label”?

    6. Will this bill prevent medical professionals from thinking ‘outside the box’ when dealing with difficult-to-treat and rare diseases/illnesses?

    7. Will chiropractors, acupuncturists, mental healthcare professionals, social workers be targeted by this bill as well? Will this restrict social workers in sessions with patients’ and their ability to speak freely and have open discussions on various topics? This seems like a very slippery slope.

    8. Will practitioners be restricted to only practicing medicine if it is based on “contemporary scientific consensus or following the standard of care?” 

    9. Why would a patient need a second opinion if healthcare professionals would only be able to practice the “contemporary scientific consensus?”

    10. Will pharmaceutical representatives’ conversations/content also be scrutinized for misinformation/disinformation?

    11. If this bill passes, how will this “misinformation/disinformation” be enforced?  Will healthcare professionals be reported or disciplined for offering advice outside of “scientific consensus?” 

    12. Who will determine what is considered outside of the “scientific consensus”?

    13. Could this bill stifle scientific progress in New Jersey, as it might have prevented questioning outdated practices like lobotomies?

  • ACTION: Click on the red Action button. Email the Assembly Health Committee and your local Assembly members and ask them to oppose the bill. Protecting public health is vital, but it should not come at the expense of medical freedom, innovation, and the ability of healthcare professionals to provide individualized patient care. 

If you would like, you can call each office of the Assembly Health Committee to voice your concerns and email them at the email addresses listed below.

Assemblyman Herb Conaway, Chair,, (856) 461-3997

Assemblywoman Lampitt, Vice-Chair,

(856) 435-1247 

Assemblyman Azzariti, (201) 666-0881

Assemblywoman Donlon, (732) 695-3371

Assemblywoman Haider, (201) 308-7061

Assemblywoman Munoz, (908) 918-0414

Assemblyman Peterson, (908) 238-0251

Assemblyman Rumpf, (609) 693-6700

Assemblywoman Speight, (862) 237-9752

Assemblyman Tully, (201) 576-9199

Assemblyman Verreilli, (609) 292-0500


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