Decision America Tour coming to Trenton Wednesday September 14, 2016

In cooperation with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, The Center for Garden State Families is calling the faithful to our state capitol for prayer. The event begins sharply at 12 noon.

Our nation is danger. Not only from forces abroad, but from the moral decline from within. It is time to search our hearts and repent for our nation and seek His forgiveness.

We the people are the catalyst for change. Only those whose who are called by His name can truly bring about a move from the Creator of all things. May God have mercy on us once again.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”Proverbs 14:34

Hoping to see you at the prayer rally.


Stop the hate. Blue lives matter legislation introduced.


Paul Singer and His Strategy to Queer Christians & Millennials