Paul Singer and His Strategy to Queer Christians & Millennials

Billionaire LGBT activist partnering with christians to reach millennials.

It is not surprising that those seeking to advance the LGBT agenda would work through left-leaning organizations, but one billionaire who has his eye on millennials has begun partnering with Hobby Lobby and its Museum of the Bible. Paul Singer has been targeting Republican candidates, lawmakers, and the Republican Party Platform. Now, he is reaching out to Christian students on college campuses.

Singer has an elaborate funding and organizational scheme that appears to support Christians and gain their goodwill while at the same time working against them to advance his same-sex marriage and LGBT agenda. One of the organizations Singer heavily funds created false propaganda that was published in the Washington Post by editorial board member Jonathan Capehart.

Purporting to show an interconnecting “enemies of equality” network, Capehart’s article is based entirely upon a chart created by Freedom for All Americans. Capehart refused to respond to multiple attempts to set the record straight. As an out homosexual who regularly appears on MSNBC, truth about LGBT issues must not matter to Capehart.

The chart and Capehart’s article depicting a vast “right wing conspiracy” are false. The chart also makes false allegations about Liberty Counsel and the other named people and groups. But, as will be discussed below, the inclusion of Hobby Lobby raises special attention to Singer’s activities and reveals how he uses a well-known Christian organization.

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Decision America Tour coming to Trenton Wednesday September 14, 2016


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