Kanitra: Planned Parenthood tool Platkin hellbent on denying women

NJ Assemblyman Paul Kanitra (R) LD 10

Assemblyman Paul Kanitra (R-10) issued a press release Thursday morning calling for an investigation of the NJ Attorney General’s collusion with Planned Parenthood to target pregnancy resource centers.

We join New Jersey Right to Life expressing our deep gratitude to Asm. Kanitra for taking a strong stand against these unjust and politically motivated attacks against NJ pregnancy centers.

If you wish to thank Asm. Kanitra, his contact information is below:

852 Highway 70 Brick, NJ 08724


(732) 840-9028  

The Center for Garden State Families posted article about the discovery of Atty. Gen. Platkins collusion and subterfuge with Planned Parenthood of New Jersey. Read the article here.

Here is the assemblyman’s press release:

Kanitra: Planned Parenthood tool Platkin hellbent on denying women true choice by attacking pregnancy resource centers


TRENTON, N.J. – Assemblyman Paul Kanitra wants New Jersey Attorney General Matt Platkin investigated for working with Planned Parenthood to use his office to target pregnancy resource centers.

“I know it’s hard for Matt Platkin and his co-conspirators at Planned Parenthood to imagine this, but not every woman’s first thought when she faces an unplanned pregnancy is, ‘How can I get rid of it?’” Kanitra said. “Their ilk wants to create a world through lawfare in which the only choice—which is no choice at all—to unplanned or unwanted pregnancies is abortion. They feign magnanimity, but really, every unaborted baby kills profits.”

An open public records act request revealed that Platkin’s office worked with Planned Parenthood to create a consumer alert against pregnancy resource centers, issued in December 2022, that claims CPCs are organizations that seek to prevent people from accessing comprehensive reproductive health care. The alert urges consumers to contact Planned Parenthood for abortion providers and file complaints against the centers with the Division of Consumer Affairs for fraud.

Platkin took his attacks further and issued a subpoena to First Choice Women’s Resource Centers, a nonprofit abortion clinic alternative that does not perform or refer for termination services with five locations throughout the state. The subpoena demands records dating back more than 10 years, which center representatives say place an undue burden and detract from their mission. The Alliance Defending Freedom said Platkin “has never cited any complaint or other substantive evidence of wrongdoing to justify his demands.”

“Platkin is using the courts to cripple pregnancy resource centers into oblivion, plain and simple,” Kanitra said. “It’s a pregnancy resource center. They offer screenings and counseling just like Planned Parenthood does. They don’t offer abortion referrals and services, just like Chick-Fil-A doesn’t sell hamburgers. Sane people know this.”

There are more than 50 crisis pregnancy centers throughout the state, many religiously affiliated. A 2022 pregnancy center state impact report showed the centers offered more than $3.5 million in materials and services to 23,000 clients. The centers are staffed by licensed medical professionals as well as volunteers.

Meanwhile, New Jersey has 41 brick-and-mortar abortion clinics. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 48,830 abortions were performed in 2020. The state ranks sixth in the number of abortions performed in the country. A 2023 report stated: “New Jersey is a unique abortion environment. Its abortion rate increased by 15% from 2013 to 2020; further increases are expected.”

Abortion is legal up to the moment of birth in New Jersey.

“Matt Platkin belongs to an elite coalition of blue state attorneys general that prosecute undercover activists for investigating fetal tissue trafficking and persecute pregnancy resource centers for trying to help women and save babies, under the scare tactic heading of ‘misinformation,’” Kanitra said. “The state legislature or even the Feds need to come in and launch their own investigation into Platkin’s motives. If there is no factual basis for his actions against these pregnancy centers, he needs to immediately retract his consumer alert and drop his subpoena.”

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Open Public Record Act Request Proves New Jersey Attorney General Collaborated with Planned Parenthood to Attack Pregnancy Resource Centers