That’s right, public education is not neutral. It has become a center of political and ideological indoctrination. No longer are we teaching core subjects like reading, math, science, english, etc. Your tax-payer-funded schools are teaching gender ideology and behaviors and sexual activity that aligns with these ideologies to children as young as kindergarten. 

Anything goes in the Wild West territory of New Jersey government schools. Education is the best way to impose these ideologies and values because it’s the only system in the United States of America where 98 to 99% of its populace goes through. Virtually every American attends government public schools from kindergarten through 12 grade sometime in their life.  There is no system in the country where that happens but public education. This is the only place where, from 6 to 8 hours a day, five days a week, your children are under the complete and total control of the new Marxist system in the United States of America known as government a.k.a. public school.

The “2020, New Jersey Student Learning Standards – Comprehensive Health and Physical Education” which are still very active in 2024 as they were not fully implemented until 2022. These standards mandate sexual expression and identity being taught in fifth grade along with “climate change.” Oral, anal, and vaginal sex being taught in eighth grade. These standards instruct children about drugs known as PEP and Prep which are alleged to prevent HIV transmission and infection.  Science affirms that there are only two genders, male and female, as determined by our chromosomal makeup. The emphasis is not on math, reading, english, grammar, or true replicated, scientifically verified facts. All this and more is available in your taxpayer-funded government schools. 

What can you do about it? 

The Center for Garden State Families works closely with public interest law firms across the country. Our friends at Liberty Counsel have made available to us a downloadable non-consent form which is at the bottom of this notice.

Steps to setting boundaries:

  1. Make copies of the distributed parental Opt-out form and share it with other parents from the link below.

  2. For each child, you will sign multiple copies of the form: one for the principal, each teacher, the local Board of Education, and yourself.

  3. Send the parental opt-out form to the school principal and individual teachers by certified mail, email, fax, or any other method whereby delivery can be confirmed. You do not need nor are you asking for “agreement” or “authorization.” The school must comply. You need proof that you delivered the parental opt-out form to each educator.

  4. Keep one copy (with the proof of receipt) for your family and ask that the school keep a copy for your child’s school records (the cumulative files). Keep a signed copy for yourself.

  5. Educate your children to report to you attempts to compel them to participate in classes or activities for which you have requested them to be opted out. Schools break New Jersey law if they do not respect your decision.

  6. Resubmit a form of the parental opt-out form for each child when you enroll them for the next school year, change schools, or a new semester or new curriculum has started.

  7. Send a copy of the letter to each school board member by email. Board member’s names and emails are usually posted on district websites. It is the role of the board to set policy. Make your position known.

Should any school authority object to the Parental Opt-Out Form, Inform Them of the New Jersey Statute 18A: 35 – 4.7 revised in 2013:

“Any child whose parent or guardian presents to the school principal a signed statement that any part of the instructions in health, family life education, or sex education is in conflict with his/her conscience, or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs shall be excused from that portion of the course where such instruction is being given and no penalties as to credit or graduation shall result therefrom.”

Further steps to take depend on the knowledge of your legal rights. Be informed and exercise your authority over your child.

1. Pursuant to 20 U.S. Code § 1232h – Protection of pupil rights. You can review all school curricula and supplemental material (written or digital) at all times.

2. Pursuant to 20 U.S. Code § 1232h – Protection of pupil rights. You can opt-out your child from all surveys or evaluations related to personal information, including, but not limited to: politics, religion, family life, sexual behavior, psychological problems, etc.

3. Pursuant to 20 U.S. Code § 1232h – Protection of pupil rights and the New Jersey Statute 18A: 35 – 4.7, your child may not receive medical or physical examinations without your approval.

4. Pursuant to New Jersey statute 18a: 35 – 4.20 and New Jersey statute 18A: 35 – 4.21, you may demand that any sex education class stress the importance of abstinence.

5. Pursuant to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA a federal education law), you may observe your child throughout the school day and scrutinize the instruction being given. 

Below Is the Link to the Parental Nonconsent Form on Human Sexuality

Parents, your voice is important

We have information to help you learn what your rights are in protecting your children. 




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