Life begins at conception. But life is realized with a heartbeat.

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore CHOOSE LIFE, that you and your offspring may liveDeuteronomy 30:19


Congress is back on Capitol Hill. NOW is the time to contact our New Jersey Congressional Representatives on vital pieces of legislation.

In the United States Congress, HR 490 the Heartbeat Protection Act of 2017 stops elective abortions with a heartbeat. The Heartbeat Protection Act of 2017 is H.R. 490 sponsored by Steven King of Iowa.

Center for Garden State Families President Gregory Quinlan with Faith2Action founder and mastermind behind the Heartbeat bill Janet Folger Porter at the Heartbill Congressional Banquet July 24.Center for Garden State Families President Gregory Quinlan had the privilege to be invited and attend a dinner at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington DC hosted by Faith2Action founded by Janet Folger Porter. Janet and Greg have known each other for nearly 25 years and lobbied together for pro-life and pro-family legislation back in Ohio and in Washington DC.More than 95% of all abortions occur in the first and second trimester. H.R. 490 would end most abortions in this country. Help the Center for Garden State Families with your tax deductible donation today, click here to help us end abortion in our lifetime. Call your U.S. Congressman and ask them to support H.R. 490 the Heartbeat Protection Act of 2017.Representative Steve King of Iowa is the prime sponsor of the Heartbeat bill in Congress. He spoke regarding how vital it is to pass this bill and get it to President Trump's desk.The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is H.R. 36 is currently sponsored by Trent Franks of Colorado.Babies feel pain in the womb at 20 weeks. In utero, surgery performed on an unborn baby at 20 weeks, gestation requires anesthesia for the baby. Why? Because the baby feels pain at 20 weeks! Abortions performed on an unborn human being at 20 weeks or later feels the pain and more acutely. This is barbaric!At the State level, A3452 and S2026 in the New Jersey legislature are the state versions of H.R. 36. Call your state legislators and urge them to co-sponsor A3452 and S2026.

Call your congressman now!

Here’s what to say:“Hi I’m ________ and I’m calling to ask Congressman/ Congresswoman _____________ to please co-sponsor HR490 and HR36. Thank you.”It’s just that simple. Below is a list of your Congressperson’s from NJ. Don’t forget to make your tax deductible donation to help end abortion in our lifetime. We have not had an opportunity like this in 44 years!give now

District 1Donald Norcross:  202-225-6501District 2Frank LoBiondo: 202-225-6572District 3Tom MacArthur: 202-225-4765District 4Chris Smith: 202-225-3765District 5 Josh Gottheimer: 202-225-4465District 6Frank Pallone: 202-225-4671District 7 Leonard Lance: 202-225-5361District 8 Albio Sires: 202-225-7919District 9Bill Pascrell Jr.: 202-225-5751District 10Donald Payne Jr.: 202-225-3436District 11Rodney Frelinghuysen: 202-225-5034District 12Bonnie Watson Coleman: 202-225-5801


U.S. House To Vote TUESDAY on Bill Banning Abortions After 20 Weeks


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