U.S. House To Vote TUESDAY on Bill Banning Abortions After 20 Weeks

The U.S. House of Representatives has scheduled an October 3rd vote on a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks up until the time of birth. The U.S. House passed a similar bill in 2015. During the debate on the bill, Congressman Sean Duffy (R-WI) gave one of the most impassioned speeches for protecting the lives of innocent pre-born children.

“This is not a debate about abortion or even non-abortion, pro-life or pro-abortion,” Duffy said. “Those who are even pro-abortion agree that these tactics are unacceptable. They have no place in our society, and that federal tax dollars should actually go to fund an institution that harvests baby body parts for sale is absolutely asinine.”

Sadly, when it was brought to a vote in the Senate (where the Democrats then held a majority) it was defeated via filibuster.

U.S. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy hosted a press conference yesterday providing details of when the House will vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36). McCarthy was joined by pro life U.S. Representatives Diane Black (TN-06), Trent Franks (AZ-08), Vicky Hartzler (MO-04), and and other pro-life leaders such as Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser.

The family of Micah Pickering was also present at the press conference, according to Lifenews. Micah Pickering is a miracle baby who survived after being born prematurely at 20 weeks. Today, Micah is a happy, healthy five year old.

SBA List Marjorie Dannenfelser stated the faces like Micah help bring this issue to life in many people’s minds.

“Micah really is the real face of this issue,” she urged. “Because it’s really easy to talk about it, the abortion issue, in abstract theoretical terms. But when you really have come across … and see a young man running around full of energy and love, you realize this is not any other political issue.”

U.S. Representative Trent Franks made similar references to Micah, according to Lifenews. “When Micah stands there,” he said, “you can’t ignore him. He’s as real as it gets.”

In a post press conference interview with MRC Culture Associate Culture Editor, Katie Yoder, Representative Franks also stated:

“I understand that mothers are in a great challenge in these circumstances and my heart is so deeply with them, but there’s nothing liberating about taking the life of a child. It doesn’t liberate the mother. It only puts her in a deeper heartache in the long run.

I’m convinced that if America will look at this as it is, and say ‘Okay, what’s the real question here? Does this thing kill a baby or not?’ If it doesn’t, then okay, it’s no big deal,” he concluded. “But if it really does kill a little helpless human baby, and it’s done that 60 million times now, isn’t it about time we changed direction?”

Representative Franks introduced the legislation back in January, and also proposed legislation in July in an effort to try to save the now deceased Charlie Gard.

Take ACTION See the list below: Call your U.S. Representatives to ask him/her to support the 20-week abortion ban. The U.S. House is scheduled to vote on the bill on Tuesday, October 3rd.

It’s just that simple. Below is a list of your Congressperson’s from NJ. Don’t forget to make your tax deductible donation to help end abortion in our lifetime. We have not had an opportunity like this in 44 years! Give NOW!

District 1

Donald Norcross: 202-225-6501

District 2

Frank LoBiondo: 202-225-6572

District 3

Tom MacArthur: 202-225-4765

District 4

Chris Smith: 202-225-3765 

District 5

Josh Gottheimer: 202-225-4465

District 6

Frank Pallone: 202-225-4671

District 7

Leonard Lance: 202-225-5361

District 8

Albio Sires: 202-225-7919

District 9

Bill Pascrell Jr. : 202-225-5751

District 10

Donald Payne Jr.: 202-225-3436

District 11

Rodney Frelinghuysen: 202-225-5034

District 12

Bonnie Watson Coleman: 202-225-5801

Please give your tax deductible donation to The Center for Garden State Families.


Parental Rights: Should You Care If They Are Lost?


Life begins at conception. But life is realized with a heartbeat.