Why we do what we do: The True Meaning of Conservatism

Why we do what we do: 

The True Meaning of Conservatism

By: Christopher Jimenez

True Conservatism cannot be reduced to a political movement. A political movement can fade away, pass on, or become outdated. Nevertheless, Conservatism, as the “conservation of traditional values, i.e., natural law,” by definition is not restrained by historical contexts. The natural law is valid yesterday, today, and always. Therefore, as conservatives, it is crucial to remind ourselves of the deeper and true meaning behind our political endeavors.

Why do we endlessly work to elevate traditional values to the status of national law? Because we know that these values are not man made, artificial ideologies. The laws of nature regarding family, life, and patriotism were written by God for our personal flourishing and happiness. We promote the natural law in the social sphere in hope of sharing the joy of an ordered society with our fellow neighbors and future generations. Conservatism is not a political movement of personal gain. In order to remain true to itself, it must promote political activism that looks first and foremost at the good of others.

It is only because conservatives appreciate man’s proper place in the world and the natural law that we work ceaselessly in the political sphere. The natural law is not an order that merely benefits man economically, psychologically, or socially. Natural law benefits man as man in every aspect, and without it, we do not have the slightest chance of happiness.

For this reason, humanity’s fate in relation to Conservatism becomes evident. Without it, God’s natural law is forgotten, man is doomed to disorderly self-harm, and the society of man will disintegrate into a society of trousered apes… As Venerable Fulton Sheen wrote, “In history, the only causes that die are those for which men refuse to die.” (TTGM p. 7) According to the wisdom of Fulton Sheen, traditional values, natural law, rational social order, will die unless we are willing to die for them first.

Yet, conservatives live and die for “divine laws,” not “political victories.” Politics is the means granted to us by God to establish the natural order in society. We do not fight and die for mere human philosophies. We fight and die for divine truths revealed to man by looking at human nature! Whereas leftists ideologues wield politics for “social justice” as their man-made god, conservatives fight for “natural law” as God’s divinely instituted order.

The path conservatives are destined to take is clear, and yet at times our feet may become weary. Although we see corrupt politicians and woke social warriors in front of us, we know that our true adversaries are much more evil and stronger. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Eph. 6:12). A conservative's divine mission to share God’s natural order is not just an obstacle to George Soros’ fantasy of playing God. We are defying Satan himself and his power grab over the temporal order. This is why it is crucial for conservatives to remember the deeper meaning of their political activism. To accomplish the colossal task of bringing God’s natural order back on Earth, we must do much more than lobbying. We need to pray for the grace to be brave enough to confront the World who crucified its Creator, and be willing to be crucified with Him. “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” (John 12:24)

Only conservatives who know Who they work for can persevere to the end. Human strength alone cannot dethrone demons, yet this is not an impossible task. When we feel overwhelmed, we have the immediate solution: run to our Lord’s feet and let Him renew the strength in our hearts. “But Jesus came and touched them, saying, ‘Rise, and have no fear.’ And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.” (Matthew 17: 7)

May we all let the Lord touch our hearts this Christmas in order to look at Him alone as we continue the good fight, and may we feel honored to serve Him who can do all things with an army of angels. St. Augustine famously said: the God who created us without us will not save us without us. Likewise, the God that created us without us will not save our nation without us either.

The Center for Garden State Families is wholly supported by donations from individuals like you. We are a Christian family advocacy organization based on Judeo-Christian ethics, which is based on natural law. The Declaration of Independence declares "the laws of nature and nature's God." This same God created the family. The natural family is one man, one woman, and their children. The extended family includes grandparents and aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, and cousins, all part of the natural family. We stand in the public square to stop the attack on the family. We oppose the dangerous and vulgar assault on our children's minds. The unrelenting desire by the government to destroy human life from the cradle to the grave. The Center for Garden State Families objects to the mutilation of children in the womb and outside the womb. We oppose the dangerous, irreversible transgender ideology being perpetrated on our children. We must stop it and stop it now! We oppose the LGBTQIA – XYZ plus, plus, plus religion being promoted in taxpayer-funded government schools. We support parental rights and education choice. We object to New Jersey's oppressive taxation. The Center for Garden State Families acknowledges that New Jersey is becoming hostile to the natural family and is becoming an unsafe place to raise a family. This is why we need your tax-deductible donation today. Please consider a one-time end-of-year gift now. Also, please consider an ongoing monthly donation of $10, $25, $50, $75, $100, or more to help us continue to represent you from the school board to the Statehouse and to Congress. We are your voice in Trenton and in Washington, DC.

Yours for the family,


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