Did the Government Have to Tell Us What God Already Said?
By Janet Boynes
On January 21, 2025, by executive order, the Federal government will only recognize the two genders assigned at birth which are male and female. The order will not allow parents to check the “X” box because they want their child to decide their gender as they grow up. The Federal documents will revert to just two genders. The question we must ask is, why did we need an executive order to tell us what God already set in stone? Of course, just plain common sense tells us that out of the millions of people born in this world, only two genders have come forth. There are only males and females since the beginning of time.
God made a man, and then He made a woman. In Genesis, these genders join so life can continue. The genders created were made to come together and create a new life. The reproductive organs were formed so that the two would be one, and together, they could multiply and replenish the earth. This was a divine plan, made perfect from the beginning.
What should have been just plain common sense has been warped and perverted by the sin that dwells within. Lust and pride within the heart have determined that God’s plan wasn’t good enough. When one yields to the flesh, they are not interested in fulfilling the will of God. The flesh wars against the spirit, and the two are contrary to each other. The wicked desires of the flesh have told men and women that their assigned birth can be altered or ignored, and they can determine their own identity. The lust and perversion of the flesh and the world have misguided our young people to create alternative lifestyles that are opposite to what God has created.
Even our natural eye can see that they are male and female, but they want us to ignore the obvious and go with what their minds have dictated to them. They are blind to the truth. They believe that with the right clothes, walk, attitude, or even body alterations, they can be whatever they create themselves to be. They have eliminated their Creator and instead created their own image. One thing they cannot change is their DNA. They are who God created them to be. They can try to hide or deny it, but the DNA determines that it is still male or female.
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The Federal Government is not telling us anything new. They are not reinventing the wheel. The government is only reiterating and bringing us back to a foundational truth. There are only two genders. Every child born will either have a male reproductive organ or a female reproductive organ. They will not have anything different than that. Everything else that they want to be recognized by is only in the mind and in the heart of those who want to dictate to God their plan instead of accepting His plan.
Since the heart of man is desperately wicked, it won’t change what people want or desire. Sin is a reproach to people. Sin leads us down dark paths and causes us to be blinded to righteousness. People will continue to demand their right to decide that their reproductive organs given at birth do not determine their gender. This is the blatant disregard for God and His will for their lives. They are, in essence, saying God made a 'mistake'.
Did we need the government’s help to tell us what God already said? Perhaps we needed a reminder that God’s way is the only way. We need someone to take a stand. We needed someone to stop the foolishness of a nation that rejects God and wants to live in unrighteousness. As a nation, we needed something that would bring us back to the reality that God has the ultimate say and that His way is the only way. This may not change the hearts of the people, but it will let everyone know we have had enough, and we are taking a stand and a step in faith to go against popular opinion and stand on the Word of God.
I met Janet Boynes in 2006. We both were helping to staff the Ex-Gay Educators Caucus booth at the NEA teacher's convention in Orlando, Florida. That same year, we went with Stephen Bennett Ministries to Israel to observe and be witnesses to the LGBTQ community during World Pride in Jerusalem. Janet is a minister in the Assemblies of God who founded Janet Boynes Ministries in Minneapolis, Minnesota. JBM ministers to those with gender identity confusion to find their true purpose and meaning according to the Creators' design. The prayer of JBM is that the hearts of those who have rejected His goodness will turn to the Lord and realize that all along, He has loved us and that He has had the very best plan for our lives.