The Center For Garden State Families

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Donation Total: $100.00

Lesson learned from marijuana legalization in four U.S. States and D.C.

Today’s highly potent marijuana represents a growing and significant threat to public health and safety, a threat that is amplified by a new marijuana industry intent on profiting from heavy…

Drivers of Brain Aging

In the largest known brain imaging study, scientists from Amen Clinics, Google, John’s Hopkins, UCLA, and UC San Francisco evaluated 62,454 brain SPECT scans of individuals from nine months old…

Implications for Marijuana Administration in Alzheimer’s Dementia

Few studies have evaluated the impact of marijuana use on regional cerebral blood flow. See document

High Resolution Brain SPECT Imaging of Marijuana Smokers with AD/HD

See document

LIFE – From conception to natural death

Legalize Assist Suicide and Commemorate Racism by Celebrating Planned Parenthood. All this on Thursday, October 20. Brought to you by the NJ Democrat Party. R182 Commemorates the 100th anniversary Planned…