The Center For Garden State Families

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That’s right, public education is not neutral. It has become a center of political and ideological indoctrination. No longer are we teaching core subjects like reading, math, science, english, etc. Your…

Kanitra: Planned Parenthood tool Platkin hellbent on denying women

NJ Assemblyman Paul Kanitra (R) LD 10   Assemblyman Paul Kanitra (R-10) issued a press release Thursday morning calling for an investigation of the NJ Attorney General’s collusion with Planned Parenthood to…

Open Public Record Act Request Proves New Jersey Attorney General Collaborated with Planned Parenthood to Attack Pregnancy Resource Centers

New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin By Marie Tasy, Executive Director, New Jersey Right to Life August 12, 2024 A recent Op-ed by a Wall Street Journal Editorial editor confirms that New Jersey Attorney…

VICTORY! U.S. DOE Makes Formal Finding That New Jersey School District Violated Parental RightsVICTORY! 

The Following is from America First Legal WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, America First Legal (AFL) secured an important victory for the parents of Cedar Grove, New Jersey, when the U.S. Department of Education…

Kids Online Safety Act Passes U.S. Senate. Now We Must Pass It In the House.

The U.S. Senate finally passed KOSA, the Kids Online Safety Act. In the last several decades, children have been preyed upon in multiple ways through social media. Many of these…

A Battle in the War with Woke “Gender Affirming Care” by Gregory Quinlan

Elon Musk: “I’ve Lost My Son” speaks about his son Xavier, who now identifies as a female. In the past few days, Dr. Jordan Peterson, psychologist and conservative commentator from…

Is the National Education Association Imploding?

Strikers outside the National Education Association Headquarters in Washington DC. -Stephen Sawchuk/Education Week The National Education Association has over 3 million members with state affiliates in all 50 states. The…

Dangerous Freedom to Read Act passes Assembly on to Senate.

The fraudulently named Freedom to Read Act which the Center for Garden State Families now calls the “Freedom to Groom and Sexually Exploit Act” A3446, also known as the “Grindr bill”, referring to the homosexual…

Dangerous NJ School Library Book Promotes Gay Male Hookup AppDangerous NJ School Library Book NPR Morning Edition: Grindr “poses Exploitation risk to minors”.

“The dating app Grindr is supposed to be for men seeking men. But many underage boys are using it to hook up with adults, and that can put them at…

ACTION Dangerous Expansion of Abortion Gender Affirming Health Care Services S3452/A4601

ENOUGH!! Take Action NOW to Oppose this legislation.  Call and email your State Senator and two Assembly members to Vote No on this legislation.   Governor Murphy and Abortion groups…