The Center For Garden State Families

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December 7, 1941

The result of that attack was 2,335 American soldiers were killed, 1,143 American soldiers were wounded, 68 citizens of Pearl Harbor were killed and 35 citizens were wounded. The United…

4th of July Letter 2017

Our founding document, The Declaration of Independence, the pledge that led to the birth of this great nation we call home is celebrated on July 4th each year. We celebrate…

Trenton Legislative Update

On June 19, the New Jersey State Senate voted on a slew of bills as they prepare for the summer recess prior to their run for reelection in November. New…

Stop the hate. Blue lives matter legislation introduced.

Oppose promoting ISIS-style attacks against police. ISIS. We’ve all seen those horrific scenes of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and non-conformists being executed by beheading. Now some want to import that kind…