The Center For Garden State Families

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Time Sensitive this Thursday, June 6, 10 AM Room 16 State Assembly Education Committee. 

Time Sensitive this Thursday, June 6, 10 AM Room 16 State Assembly Education Committee.  The misnamed “Freedom to Read Act” S2421/A3446 is a violent assault on New Jersey school-age children in government…

STOP S3156 Dangerous in School Healthcare. The devil is in the details.

Take Action Social and Emotional Learning, often referred to as SEL, has changed over time. Originally, the goal of SEL was to promote morally neutral soft skills such as self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and…

Dangerous anti-child, anti-family, and totally woke legislation could pass by the end of June if we do not ACT NOW!

The Center for Garden State Families is joining multiple pro-family and pro-parent organizations across New Jersey to bring concerned New Jersey citizens face-to-face with their legislators in Trenton to stop three bad pieces of legislation.…

National Day of Prayer this Thursday, May 2 Trenton & Legislative Update

Please join us Thursday, May 2, 2024, 11 AM – 1 PM  New Jersey State House Annex 145 West State Street, Trenton, NJ Legislative Action Update UPDATE: The nomination of Serena Rice for NJ State Board of…

Advocates for child gender transition are “misguided ideologues”.

The now closed Tavistock Center Gender Identity Clinic   The Cass Review is an objective scientific source. The study validates what has been happening throughout Europe and Great Britain. Most…

Dangerous Extreme Serena Rice Confirmation Vote Monday, April 15, 2024

Action step: Call State Senate President Nicholas Scutari (732) 827-7480 Fax: (732) 215-4785 email [email protected]    Tell Senator Scutari to remove extremist Serena Rice from consideration permanently! More action steps below. Serena Rice, Pro-Transgender Activist, Murphy…

The “COVID Quacks,” Big Pharma, and Real Medicine

Dr. Kathleen Ruddy: Founder, Health and Healing Lead Investigator, FLCCC Cancer Study Editors Note: In the late 1970s, Ivermectin was developed as a new class of drug to treat parasitic…

Exploiting Children and “Banning” Books

Some of the material in this article will be disturbing and difficult to read. The Center for Garden State Families feels the parents and people of New Jersey must understand…

Deprogramming American Children

Watch here: Hillary Calls For A “Formal Deprogramming Of The Cult Members”  The Clinton/Biden/Marxist Agenda Is Well Underway In Your School This article was reprinted in its entirety with the…

Your Children are on the Ballot! Poison Apples running for local School Boards

Since the COVID epidemic, every election has been about our children. Every election our children are on the ballot. Every policy decision and every law being passed impacts our children…