The Center For Garden State Families

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The Dangers of Puberty Blockers
Gender Ideology: A Denial of Reality

Gender ideology is not scientific. As we, at the Center for Garden State Families, have said many times before, everything LGBTQIA-XYZ is a lie! There remains “…no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific…

ACTION: Fifth Graders are to be Taught Masturbation in NJ Government Schools

The New Jersey Department of Education, instructed by the New Jersey State Board of Education with the influence of Gov. Phil Murphy’s wife Tammy composed the 2021 -2022 “Comprehensive Health…

When Profiteering Masquerades As Science: The Evil We Face Now

It wasn’t just the people who died of AIDS. Even many who did not have the virus ended up committing suicide. They lived through the depths of the epidemic only…

The Incarnation of the Logos

The Ancient of Days became a baby born of a Virgin. The baby was the Perfect Lamb without Spot or Blemish. The Perfect Lamb became the Sinless sacrifice for the…

A Virus for Climate Change -Is the Coronavirus being Weaponzied:

For the Climate Change Agenda and Green New Deal? God’s Covenant with Noah “Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and took some of every clean animal and some…

An Open Letter to the NJ Republican Leadership

The Center for Garden State Families takes the Covid-19 outbreak seriously. However safety and controls can be achieved without the demolition of the U.S. Constitution. Gov. Murphy has grossly over…

Born Alive But Allowed to Die

When it comes to life and family in the United States of America we have a world view problem. For the last several decades Western culture has adopted an moral…

Assisted Suicide Halted by Temporary Restraining Order.

Judge Grants Temporary Restraining Order halting implementation of dangerous “Aid in Dying” law signed by Gov Murphy. So called “Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act which permits a…